Argument Research Essay Revise and Edit
Ethos Pathos Logos Be sure you have a balance in your argument.
Rubric Carefully reread the rubric and be sure you have fulfilled all the requirements of this assignment. You will turn in the following: 1.Rubric 2.Final Copy with a separate Works Cited page 3.Revised Draft (typed and edited copy) 4.Outline or Persuasive Map Be sure your name is typed with page number on each page. Do not staple.
Required Sentence Structures – highlighted in final draft parallel structure repetition of a similar grammatical structure in a series of words, phrases, or clauses Examples: “…and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” "It is by logic we prove, but by intuition we discover." (Leonardo da Vinci) rhetorical question a question that is not intended to be answered; is asked to make a point Example: “Must I undertake to prove that the slave is a man?”
Body Paragraphs 1. Does each paragraph begin with a topic sentence (a reason; main idea) that relates to the thesis? 2.Does each reason have enough evidence to support it? Check to see if all sources are cited correctly. If you paraphrase information from a source, be sure it is restated in your own words. A writer’s exact words should be in quotation marks.
Quotations (TLQ) Circle your transition words – Furthermore, on the other hand, etc. Underline the lead in – when Scout describes Dill for the first time Check the quotation and make sure you have cited it correctly! – “Dill was a curiosity” (Lee 9). Do you have commentary after your quotation?
Concession / Counterargument The Language of Concession To establish your own ETHICAL APPEAL (ethos) —in other words, to show yourself as a reasonable thinker who is willing to entertain the possibility of differing points of view—it is important in your argument to RECOGNIZE THE OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS. You make a concession, noting and explaining the views, which oppose your own. Certain words/phrases help you do this gracefully. These words are useful to introduce your concession argument (counterargument): However, On the other hand, It is also true, Some argue that... Admittedly, While it is certainly true that... I concede that... Obviously, Granted, It seems clear that, Some make a convincing argument that Not everyone agrees with this position, however. Some argue that...
Rebuttal The Language of Rebuttal When you have finished explaining the view of the other side (the counter-argument), certain phrases and words will take you back to your own point of view. These words are useful when you rebut those arguments. More importantly, however, But more evidence supports the argument that... It is quite clear, however, that... But we must remember... These points do not satisfactorily refute the conclusion that... We must remember, however,
Works Cited Alphabetize entries (sources) according to the author’s last name or the first significant word of the title. Begin each entry on a separate line; indent second line To help in formatting your sources, you may use Knight Cite or Easybib Put titles of web articles in quotation marks Include medium of publication and access date Purdue Online Writing lab is a good source to answer questions about MLA format
Conventions Proofread for run-on sentences, fragments and comma splices. (Reading aloud and stopping for a few seconds at each period may help.) Be sure to include a variety of sentence structures (brushstrokes). Proofread for commas after introductory phrases and clauses. Proofread for correct punctuation of compound sentences. Did you include meaningful transitions? Proofread carefully for errors in capitalization – THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR MAKING CAPITALIZATION ERRORS - It is evidence of careless work. Proofread for correct punctuation. Proofread for usage errors of commonly confused words. Using a thesaurus can be a great help, but do not use any words that you do not fully understand – chances are you will use it incorrectly. Avoid 1 st person point of view and contractions (can’t)
If you have read your essay and have not changed anything, you have not revised or edited. GO BACK AND READ IT AGAIN. MAKE CORRECTIONS. REVISE SENTENCE STRUCTURE AND WORD CHOICE TO IMPROVE ESSAY.