Trigg County Public Forum Nutrition and Physical Activity January 24, 2013
Rationale The link between nutrition, physical activity and learning is well documented. Healthy eating and activity habits are essential for our students to achieve their full academic potential, full physical and mental growth and lifelong health and well-being. Trigg County Public Schools is committed to providing an environment that promotes children’s health, well-being and ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and physical activity.
Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card District Committee –Representatives from each of the schools’ Wellness Committee –Family Resource and Youth Service Center Coordinators –Food Service Director –Health Services Coordinator –Alliance for Healthier Generation Relationship Manager, Jacy Wooley
Process July TCBOE approved MOA to join the Alliance for a Healthier Generation Healthy Schools Program. The Healthy Schools Program: –Works with schools to create a culture where healthy eating and physical activity is the norm –Provides no-cost technical assistance, tools, and solutions to help schools become healthier places –Offers schools the opportunity to earn national recognition
Process Continued October The district committee reviewed regulations, reviewed previous report card and prior years’ recommendations, and discussed next steps. November Each school committee completed a Healthy Schools Program Inventory Framework that identified areas of successes and areas of improvements around: –Policy/Systems –Health Education –Physical Education –School Meals –Competitive Food and Beverages –Employee Wellness –Student Wellness
Summary of Celebrations 1.By the end of school year, each school will be at Bronze for Policy and Systems. Each school implementing district wellness policy and providing feedback regarding its progress annually School has an active wellness council that meets at least every other month ( or 3-4 times/school year). 2.School Meals meets Bronze level at each school Bronze level matches USDA requirements 2 criteria away from Silver 3.Primary and Intermediate meet Bronze level in area of Student Wellness for opportunities for physical activity during and afterschool outside of PE time. 4.High School meets Bronze in Health Education
Process Continued December Nutrition and Physical Activity Report Card placed on TCPS district webpage.
Recommendations by the Committee Action StepCostFeasibility*Person ResponsibleTarget Date Continue implementing proposed changes of Child Nutrition Reauthorization, for example: offering only Fat-free milk, increase whole grains offered, legumes, leafy greens, and a red or orange vegetable on a weekly basis. $20005P. Dickerson Ongoing Offer pre-portioned salad dressings $15005P. DickersonJanuary 2013 Increase participation of Food Service Director on individual school Wellness Committees $05P. Dickerson January, 2013
Recommendations Continued Provide increased opportunities/time for students to participate in physical education (i.e., longer classes, more frequent meetings, class offerings such as Adv. P.E. at TCHS, etc.). SBDM councils would be encouraged to consider changes to master schedule and/or using any current or newly allocated positions for physical education. $50,000/Teacher 1SBDM Councils June 2013 Write into each school policy the PE or Recess not be withheld as punishment. $05TCPS and TCIS School Wellness Committee, Principals, SBDM Councils February 2013 Increase student movement during class and staff movement during meetings. JAM (Just a Minute) Program has 1-minute ideas. $05TCPS, TCIS, TCMS, TCHS Teachers, Principals, SBDM Councils January 2013 Increase student/staff awareness to healthy eating and physical activity by integrating “A Year of Being Well” readings across disciplines. $05TCPS, TCIS, TCMS, TCHS Teachers, Principals, SBDM Councils January 2013
Recommendations Continued Protect time allocated in daily schedule so that all students can receive instruction in Practical Living Content Standards. $03Principals, SBDM Councils, Teachers January 2013 The principal frequently provides communication with parents and community about PLCS programs through website, Twitter and Facebook. $03Principals and Wellness Committee Members January 2013 Continue researching and attending job-embedded professional development opportunities available to PLCS teachers to encourage continuous growth. $15002HSP Coordinator and PLCS Teachers February 2013 Survey staff on interests in physical activity and nutrition to provide add opportunities to engage staff in healthy practices, $03Wellness Committee Members February 2013