Any questions before we get started? Looking ahead…
FOLK MUSIC What are some of the features of this genre? Leonard Cohen: Suzanne om/watch?v=otJY2Hv W3Bw om/watch?v=otJY2Hv W3Bw Is folk a popular genre? Do you listen to folk artists?
WORLD MUSIC What are some of the features of this genre? Where are you most likely to hear world music played? “Bollywood” Slumdog Millionaire /watch?v=mmV_kWtkbP I&feature=relmfu /watch?v=mmV_kWtkbP I&feature=relmfu
WORLD MUSIC China’s Sa Ding Ding om/watch?v=fRWxfv5 CDi4 om/watch?v=fRWxfv5 CDi4
OPERA Madame Butterfly om/watch?v=25qOY9 cwz88&feature=result s_video&playnext=1& list=PL100AE606EB30 C685 om/watch?v=25qOY9 cwz88&feature=result s_video&playnext=1& list=PL100AE606EB30 C685
NEW CLASSICAL Virtual Choirs Eric Whitacre’s 2.0 had over 2,000 voices from 58 countries record themselves from home. om/watch?v=D7o7Brl baDs om/watch?v=D7o7Brl baDs
ROCK MUSIC What are some of the features of this genre? Who are some of the artists who stand out?
JAZZ What are the features of this genre? Who are some of the artists who stand out? Billie Holiday, Strange Fruit : om/watch?v=h4ZyuUL y9zs om/watch?v=h4ZyuUL y9zs
POP MUSIC What defines this style of music? Who are the “standard bearers” of pop music?
HIP HOP MUSIC Who are some of the artists who stand out? How do you distinguish this genre from others?
COUNTRY MUSIC What are the features of this genre? Who are some of the artists who stand out?
“Standard Bearers” What do the standard bearers communicate about the time, place, culture, influences, and circumstances that lead to these musical expressions?