Driving Question “How can we, as third grade students at Oceanlake Elementary School, improve the stand of trees on our school property to become a healthy example of a coastal fog forest that could be used as a learning lab for Lincoln City students.”
Tool Talk Tool Talk We used compasses, tape measures, diameter tapes, clinometers, and increment bores to take data on circular samples of both forests. We used compasses, tape measures, diameter tapes, clinometers, and increment bores to take data on circular samples of both forests. We used circular grid paper to create maps of the samples which included the position of each tree in the sample. We used circular grid paper to create maps of the samples which included the position of each tree in the sample. We used tally graphs to take data on native and invasive species We used tally graphs to take data on native and invasive species
Grid Maps with Quadrants We used circular grid paper to create maps of the samples which included the position of each tree in the sample. We used circular grid paper to create maps of the samples which included the position of each tree in the sample.
Native and Invasive Species We used tally graphs to take data on native and invasive species We used tally graphs to take data on native and invasive species
Debrief Conclusions and Next Steps: Students realized that our stand of trees had many more trees (they are crowded), many more invasive species, and less diversity of species, especially shrubs and bushes. Next, we would like take out the invasive species and plant a greater variety of trees, shrubs, and bushes to increase diversity. Control (off site)Experimental (on site) # of trees # of shrubs and bushes Invasive species diversity