Leadership vs Management
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Management Management is the allocation of scarce resources against an organisation’s objectives, the setting of priorities, design of work and the achievement of results. Most importantly it is about controlling. (Weathersby 1999) Management is linked to maintenance (Cuban 1998 in Bush 2006)
Leadership Leadership focuses on the creation of a common vision. Leaders motivate people to contribute to the vision and align their self interests with those of the organisation. It is about persuading not commanding. (George Weathersby 1999) Leadership is linked to change (Cuban 1998)
Leadership in education Management is linked to paper and processes, leadership is linked to the positive growth of people. Within education there is a wide held belief that leaders of the school will influence student results. Schools need effective leadership and management
Typology of management and leadership (Bush 2003) Management Leadership FormalManagerial CollegialParticipative Transformational Interpersonal PoliticalTransactional SubjectivePost Modern AmbiguityContingency CulturalMoral Instructional
Beliefs vs Reality Schools need both leadership and management to be effective in their operations and to achieve their aims and objectives. Schools need the objective perspective of managers and flashes of vision, commitment and institutional self belief a leader espouses. Principals are often unaware when they are leading or managing.
T. Bush, Educational leadership and management: theory, policy, and practice South African Journal of Education 2007 EASA Vol 27(3)391–406 Weathersby, George B., Leadership vs Management. Management Review 88.3 (Mar 1999): 5