Money, Money, Money, Monnneeey! MONEY! Breedlove Economics
Changing Face of Currency
Lifespan of typical denominations $1 bill - 22 months $5 bill - 16 months $10 bill -18 months $20 bill - 24 months $50 bill - 55 months $100 bill - 89 months
Annuit Coeptis – “God has favored our undertaking.” Novus Ordo Seclorum – “A new order has begun” 13 steps on the pyramid 13 letters in “Annuit Coeptis” & “E Pluribus Unum Uncapped pyramid? Darkened western side? Roman numerals? The Number 13?
E Pluribus Unum – “From many, one.” 13 Arrows in eagle’s left claw 13 leaves on the olive branch 13 stars above eagle’s head 13 bars on the shield 13 letters in E Pluribus Unum Why an eagle? Shape of stars & story of Hayim Solomon? The Number 13…again?
Can you see the owl? Or is it a spider? Conspiracy theory, anyone….?
Fascinating Money Facts! In 1929, US currency was standardized to include portraits on the front and emblems and monuments on the back of all bills. 97% of all paper money contains traces of cocaine The number 172 can be seen on the back of the U.S. $5 dollar bill in the bushes at the base of the Lincoln Memorial A “star” after the serial number means it is a replacement note with the same serial number as a destroyed bill. On the new $100 bill, the clock tower of Independence Hall in Philadelphia is shown with the time set at 4:10.
Fascinating Money Facts! The government first issued paper currency in 1862 to finance the Civil War If you had $10 billion and spent $1 every second of every day, it would take 317 years for you to go broke The $2 bill was last issued in 2003 President Richard Nixon halted the circulation of these high- denomination bills in 1969 by Executive Order, in an effort to fight organized crime You can track your $1 bills at