Falla’s Skink By: Paige Moses Oilgosoma Fallai Vulnerable
Habitat Lives in forest mostly temperate. Also shrub lands.
Biotic and Abiotic factors. Limiting Factors. Biotic: Trees, bushes, leaves, crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, and caterpillars. Abiotic: River, ponds, sticks, dirt, soil and sand, and sunlight. ___________________________________ The limiting factor was the predators. Their past predator was goats who were very populated on the island but are now no longer a problem.
Diet Skinks are omnivores Feed on invertebrates Seeds Leaves Fleshy fruits from Ngaio tree Crickets Grasshoppers Beetles Caterpillars
Prey and Predators Predators: Raccoons, foxes, possums, snakes, crows, cats, dogs, herons, hawks, lizards. Prey: crickets, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars.
Threats Right now there are no threats. Future threats could be predation by invasive species or catastrophic climatic events.
Consumer/producer The fallas skink or oilgosoma fallai is a 2 nd level consumer because it is an omnivore.
Reproduction Mating is in autumn Females give birth every year Young are born in summer 4 or more litters are most common
Population It is stable About per meter squared
Ability to adapt Stay in high humidity Their body color mixes in with the rocks and ground Sleek body helps them stay cool in the heat Easy for them to live in rocks because of their small skinny body.
Facts It can be nocturnal It was named after Sir Robert Falla ( ) a New Zealand naturalist Its one of New Zealand's largest skinks Their average weight is 44.5 grams Their maximum tail length is 150 mm and their maximum snout-vent length is 140mm.
Butterfly species My species is a butterfly species because: It has been close to extinct but now is vulnerable. Its important because it eats many invertebrates and many animals eat it that are also important like raccoons, foxes, and even types of cats.
Bibliography "Oligosoma fallai." (2013): n.pag. Web. 28 Jan Diet, reproduction. "Falla's Skink." Arkive. WildScreen, n.d. Web. 28 Jan "Oligosoma fallai." (2013): n.pag. Web. 28 Jan Diet, reproduction."Oligosoma fallai." (2013): n.pag. Web. 28 Jan < Diet, reproduction.. "Falla's Skink." Arkive. WildScreen, n.d. Web. 28 Jan