1) ¿Quién fue (was) Francisco Pizarro? Francisco Pizarro was the Spanish explorer who defeated the Inca in He killed the Incan ruler of Atahualpa which sparked the fall of the Incan Empire Atahualpa was the last of 12 Incan rulers. At one time the Incan empire was so powerful that it extended from Ecuador through Bolivia, and down to Chile.
2) ¿Qué es Machu Picchu? Believed to be the last capital of the Incan Empire. It is located some 75 miles northeast of Cuzco.
3) ¿Qué es kanchis? Performed on special occasions in Cuzco, kanchis is a dance that symbolizes the authority of the mayors as they dance with their staffs, accompanied by the women of the village. The elaborate, colorful costumes that are worn exemplify Andean weaving practices. Not only is this dance an important part of festivals and other symbolic events in Cuzco, but it is also considered one of the most important dances in all of Perú.
4) ¿Qué son los ceques? In the 1600’s, mysterious lines called ceques were found in Cuzco. Cut into the thick vegetation, the lines branched outward from the city’s center. Believed to have ancient religious meaning, the lines no longer exist, as time and circumstance (many indigenous religious symbols were destroyed during the colonial period) have erased them. Ceques have been compared to the Nazca lines, located along Perú’s arid, coastal regions.
5) ¿Qué es Pachamamca? One of the most recognized dishes of Peru is the Incan dish called Pachamamca, which was traditionally prepared underground. After digging a hole in the earth, Incan men would place wood and stones inside, then heat the stones to create an underground stove. A mixture of meat, potatoes, hot pepper (ají), and herbs, would then be placed in the hole, banana leaves being used to wrap up the meat and separate the layers of food. The Incans believed that cooking underground, they were showing gratitude to Mother Earth (Madre Tierra), in Quechua, Pachamama.
6) ¿Qué es Quechua? The Amerindian language of Quechua is spoken by the indigenous people of Cuzco. Since 1975, it has been Perú’s official second language, the first being Spanish, and is spoken by about 70% of the population.
7) ¿Cómo se dice “cui” en inglés? One of the many typical Peruvian dishes served in Cuzco, cui (guinea pig) is one of the most traditional. Deep fried and served whole on a bed of potatoes and other vegetables. While it is extremely expensive and a delicacy in restaurants, Cuzqueños raise, cook, and sell cui in local markets.