Sector San Francisco USCG Sector San Francisco State ACM – 18 January 2012
Sector San Francisco NORCAL TSUNAMI 2011 Crescent City -USCG, Dept of Fish & Game, OSRO’s, and NOAA personnel responded - 59 vsls loose in harbor w/ 16 vsls sunk/capsized - All floating docks completely destroyed -Sheen throughout harbor w/ no impact outside harbor - FPN ceiling of $3.1 Mil -Safety Zone established Santa Cruz -USCG, Dept of Fish & Game, OSRO’s, and NOAA personnel responded vsls initially broke loose in harbor w/ 11 sunk/capsized - Patchy areas of sheen w/ no impact outside harbor - FPN ceiling of $350 k -Safety Zone established Sector San Francisco - Unified Command established in new Command Center building on Yerba Buena Island w/ USCG and California Dept of Fish & Game. NOAA science advisor and Port of San Francisco LNO supporting
Sector San Francisco Incident Management Stats ReportsLOWsNOVsCivil Penalties Federal Cases
Sector San Francisco Notice of Violation June 29, Minor Discharge, F/V DEENIE LYNN, San Francisco, CA Sector San Francisco received a report that the F/V DEENIE LYNN capsized off of Seal Rock north of Ocean Beach. The vessel had an estimated 800 gallons of diesel fuel on board. The owner had insurance and hired Parker Diving to plug the vessels vents and deploy boom. Global Diving was later hired to perform oil removal operations on the vessel. Global recovered an estimated 30 gallons, leaving 770 gallons unaccounted for.
Sector San Francisco Federal Cases June 30, F/V ADVANCE, FPN A11039, Bodega Bay, CA Sector San Francisco received a report from Station Bodega Bay of the F/V ADVANCE running aground after striking a day board. Station attempted to remove the vessel but were not successful. There was an estimated 400 gallons of diesel fuel on board. The fund was opened and NRCES was contracted to mitigate any potential discharge. The vessel was refloated and towed to Spud Point Marina with no pollution discharge.
Sector San Francisco Federal Cases August 1, Minor discharge, Richmond Yacht Harbor FPN A11043 Sector San Francisco received a report from Air Station San Francisco of a sheen coming from Richmond Yacht Harbor in Richmond, CA After Investigating the potential source. It has been determined the source was subsurface. This case was transferred to the California Water Quality Control board because of their jurisdictional authorities and subject matter experience.
Sector San Francisco Report of Interest September 13, potential discharge from Sausalito Yacht Club Sector San Francisco received a report from Sausalito Yacht Club that an excavator had struck a buried 1930’s steam ship. 16,000 gallons of product removed by NRCES No contamination of soil
Sector San Francisco Federal Case November 21, Minor Discharge, A12010, Strawberry Point, Sausalito Sector San Francisco Received a report of a tug hard aground on a shoal with high tide water coming onto the decks and washing oil and HAZMAT off. Three 55 gallon drums of oily water mixture went in the water, 2 were recovered and the other sank. The Tug was towed to ACOE for destruction.
Sector San Francisco Federal Case December 11, Medium discharge, Strawberry Creek, Berkeley A day tank in the basement of Stanley Hall discharged 1,650 gallons of diesel into Strawberry Creek. EPA is the lead Federal On Scene Commander. UC Berkeley hired NRCES to clean up product and mitigate environmental damage. As of 13 January, 970 gallons have been recovered and contractors continue to remove remaining oil products.
Sector San Francisco Federal Case October, Minor discharge, Richmond, CA, FPN A12002, A12003 Sector San Francisco received a report of a sheen in the vicinity of the Tugs TIGER and LION. The sheen was not linked to the tugs, but after inspecting the tugs, they were deemed a substantial and immediate pollution threat. Efforts were made to work with the owner to remove the pollution, but the case was eventually federalized. NRCES was hired and in the process of removing product off the Lion (inboard tug) and noticed some stability issues. The case was on hold until further assessments could be made.
Sector San Francisco Federal Case December 11, Minor discharge, Richmond, CA, FPN A12002, A12003 Sector San Francisco received a report that the TUG TIGER (outboard) had sunk in its berth. 78K gallon potential; approximately 1,500 gallons have been recovered. Global Diving and NRCES were hired to mitigate environmental damage and remove the remaining fuel off of the TIGER.
Sector San Francisco