By Roee Goldfiner Limor Halutzi Non-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners.


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Presentation transcript:

By Roee Goldfiner Limor Halutzi Non-Invasive Measurement of Core Body Temperature in Marathon Runners

Agenda Definitions Related work Our article System design System evaluation Field deployment Conclusions

Definitions Core Body Temperature (CBT) Circadian-system Ambulatory environment

CBT How do we measure it ? Techniques Difficulties Usages Optimize the athletic performance Prevent common injuries Derive an accurate profile of the circadian system

Measurements of rectal temperature Very invasive Pulmonary artery temperature Requires a clinical environment Ingestible pills Expensive Limited lifetime – 36 hours Sensitive Limited communication range Measurements of oral and axillary Inaccurate Different Techniques

The First Non-Invasive Measurement How does it work? Comprised from 3 modules

The 1 st module - Body Sensor Tympanic membrane Skin temperature at the outer ear Ambient temperature in the proximity of the ear

The 2 nd module - Support Bikers Equipped with wireless sink nodes Collect GPS position Record changes in the environmental conditions Act as a gateway

The 3 rd module – Front End Monitor the physiological parameters Immediately be alerted at risk

System Evaluation Verify reliability - Ambulatory settings Indoor and outdoor experiments

1 st Evaluation 27 years-old female Running on a sprintex slat-belt treadmill Indoor environment at a constant ambient temp. Carried out at the Lab of the medical University of Lubeck The evaluation took 85min & 7610m

2 nd Evaluation 26-years old male Running outdoors during a hot summer afternoon

3 rd Evaluation Long-term experiment Same subject wearing the sensor in his daily life

Field Deployment A Marathon Race - the 5th Lubeck marathon Deployed on athletes 2 males,3 females Reliability of communications Acquisition of sensor data was flawless 0.3% - 2.7% of the packets had to be retransmitted Data was delivered to the caregivers within a very short delay An average end-to-end delay of 33 seconds

Evolution of temperature during the run

Environmental impact on CBT measurements

Conclusions Developed an unobtrusive system to measure the CBT of marathon runners using wireless body sensors. Carried out preliminary tests Deployed system on several athletes Future development More ergonomic and better shielding Carry out controlled studies