Capitalizing Proper Nouns Created by Kathryn Reilly
What are Proper Nouns? Proper Nouns name people, places or things. Proper Nouns are the specific reference to people, places or things – Regular noun: the movie – Proper noun: Harry Potter: The Sorcerer's Stone
Why are Proper Nouns Capitalized? Proper nouns are capitalized for two main reasons: – As a sign of respect or politeness for the person, place or thing the writer is referring to – To differentiate the word in the text as a NAME instead of another word. This is especially important if a word could have multiple meanings.
Capitalizing Proper Nouns Capitalize a noun if it refers to a specific person, place or thing Word: harry To harry means to harass or annoy. Harry Potter is one of the most famous literary characters of all time.
Capitalizing Proper Nouns Capitalize a noun if it refers to a specific person, place or thing Word: rich Many people hope to become rich. Yesterday Rich won the raffle prize.
Capitalizing Proper Nouns Capitalize a noun if it refers to a specific person, place or thing Word: blue I think blue is my favorite color. Did you know Blues Clues is a popular TV show?
Capitalizing Proper Nouns Summary Capitalize specific references to people, places or things If it is the NAME of the person, place or thing, capitalize the word Capitalizing proper nouns differentiates proper nouns from general nouns; capitalizing them is a sign of respect.