What are stem cells? Cells that can generate more copies of themselves Have specialized function in body
Types of Stem Cells Pluripotent: can turn into any type of cell Embryonic stem cells Tissue specific: can only be one type of cell Adult and foetal cells
Where do they come from? Embryonic: human embryos within 5-6 days of fertilization Most used are created for purpose and donated by parents IPS cells do not occur naturally but can be created from any adult cells Adult cells can be isolated from specific tissue
What are they used for Study disease at molecular level (alternative to animal studies) Cell replacement therapies Release substances that encourage body to repair itself
Treatments Avaliable Adult Cells: 1. Blood stem cells treat blood disporders 2. Stem cells can be used to grow skin for skin grafts and wound healing POSSIBLE: Cell replacement for: eye disease, spinal injuries, and stroke in clinical trials
Vector An organism that does not cause disease itself but which spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another. Examples: Mosquitos and Malaria
Vectors and Gene Therapy 1. A vehicle to carry genetic information (DNA or RNA) to a cell In gene therapy, a virus itself may serve as a vector, if it has been re-engineered and is used to deliver a gene to its target cell.