30% of your grade! Based on a novel/play/poem At least 8 pages Due on the last day of class: December 2, 2011
Final Essay (30%) Brainstorming & thesis:5% (by November 11 th ) Outline: 5% (by November 11 th ) Introduction:5% (by Nov. 18 th ) Body paragraphs:10% (by Nov. 25 th ) Conclusion:5% (by Dec. 2 nd )
At least 8 pages words per page Double-spaced Times New Roman, size 12 MLA style Page numbers
Discuss four major themes/issues in the play/poem/novel (using many quotes).
Wharton 1.Waiting for GodotSamuel Beckett 2.Song of MyselfWalt Whitman 3.The Waste LandT. S. Eliot 4.BelovedToni Morrison 5.Things Fall ApartChinua Achebe 6.Mrs. DallowayVirginia Woolf 7.A Streetcar Named DesireTennessee Williams 8.TriflesSusan Glaspell
If you copy DIRECTLY from ANY other source (for example: Wikipedia, the Internet or another essay) you will lose at least 2-4 points per assignment! I will KNOW if you copy…
1. Choose a novel/play/poem 2. Read it in Korean or English 3. Choose four themes/issues that you like in the story 4. Brainstorm 5. Create a thesis statement 6. Write an outline
1. Brainstorming & Thesis statement 2. Outline Based on Toni Morrison’s Beloved Pulitzer and Nobel Prize winning author/book
Brainstorming 1. Author and title: Toni Morrison Beloved More information about the author 2. Themes: slavery, racism, murder, escape, death, America, love 3. Characters: Sethe, Paul D, Beloved, Denver, Schoolteacher, Stamp Paid, Baby Suggs 4. Setting: America in the s * You can also use a mind map for your brainstorming
Thesis statement This essay will discuss four major themes in Toni Morrison’s Beloved. The first theme to be covered will be slavery. The second subject to be debated is death. I will also give examples of escape. The essay will conclude with an analysis of the meaning of love.
Introduction (> 1 page) I. Introduction A. Author: Toni Morrison More information about the author’s life… B. Year published: 1987 C. Why I chose this book: won the Pulitzer prize, Morrison’s most famous text D. (Copy thesis statement here) This essay will discuss four major themes in Toni Morrison’s Beloved. The first theme to be covered will be slavery. The second subject to be debated is death. I will also give examples of escape. The essay will conclude with an analysis of the meaning of love.
Essay body (6 pages) II. Essay body A. First theme: slavery 1. Two examples 2. Two quotes B. Second theme: death 1. Two examples 2. Two quotes C. Third theme: escape 1. Two examples 2. Two quotes D. Fourth theme: love 1. Two examples 2. Two quotes
Conclusion (> 1 page) III. Conclusion A. The most important theme/issue B. What you liked about the text C. What you learned from the text D. Your favorite quote