Why do you think we study boundaries and the shapes of states in political geography? List the three types of cultural boundaries and give an example of each
Objective: Understand types of boundaries and shapes of states as part of political geography. Analyze shapes of states for their advantages and disadvantages. Identify examples of the various shapes of states.
Physical Desert boundaries Mountain boundaries Water boundaries Types of Boundaries Lake Victoria, Africa
Types of Boundaries ◦ Cultural Geometric boundaries Straight line Unrelated to any aspects of the cultural/physical landscape Human features (language, religion, ethnicity) Ethnic Groups and Political Boundaries
The straight boundary between Libya and Chad was drawn by European powers, and the strip is the subject of controversy between the two countries. Types of Boundaries
Cyprus has been divided into Greek and Turkish portions since 1974.
Frontiers – is a zone where no state exercises complete political control. Types of Boundaries Several states in the Arabian Peninsula are separated by frontiers rather than precise boundaries
Antecedent Boundary formed before present-day human landscape was developed Ex. Border between Malaysia and Indonesia Subsequent Installed after human settlement, but take into account cultural/ethnic/religious/language differences Shows long process of boundary modifications Ex. Border between China and Vietnam
Superimposed Forcibly drawn across a unified landscape Installed after human settlement with no regard to cultural boundaries Ex. Many former colonies in Africa, Berlin Wall Relic Not currently relevant but have been in the past, have important cultural/social implications Ex. East/West Germany, North/South Vietnam
Shapes of states control the length of its boundaries with other states Affects the potential for communication and conflict with neighbors Part of its unique identity – centripetal force Can influence the ease or difficulty of internal administration Can affect social unity
Enclave Exclave Compact Elongated Prorupted Perforated Fragmented Landlocked (not really a shape but important to know)