1 A solution to overcome erratic supply of vaccine & logistics in public health system: E-VIN Ujjain Division Gyan Sharma Project Officer UNDP – MP
2 Aims & Objective To assess the role of information technology (IT) in supply chain management of vaccine & cold chain / logistics in order to ensure effective management and real-time monitoring.
3 Study Design, Duration & Area Study design: Descriptive, Quantitative Place & duration of the study: Ujjain: Department of Health & Family Welfare, Divisional Vaccine Store, and Regional Joint Directorate Ujjain from April 2015 to July Data Collection: vaccine stock position data collected from 142 focal points (Cold Chain Points) of seven districts Ujjain from April 2015 to July 2015.
4 Demographic Profile Table: 1.1 Ujjain Division Estimated Target Population S. No. DISTRICT Estimated Total Population 2014 ( in lacs) CBR (AHS ) Annual Expected ANC (MCTS ) Annual Expected Birth (MCTS ) No. of FP 1Dewas ,58235, Mandsaur ,49825, Nemuch8., ,52918, Ratlam ,73140, Agar ,47214,9757 6Shajapur9., ,56024, Ujjain ,06449,14933
5 Monthly Vaccine Requirement Table 1.2 Estimated Monthly Doses of vaccine & Syringes Requirement S. No. DISTRICT BCG (Wastage rate 50%) OPV (Wastage rate 10%) Hep-B (Wastage rate 10%) DPT (Wastage rate 10%) Penta (Wastage rate 10%) TT (Wastage rate 10%) Measles (Wastage rate 25%) 0.1 ML Syr. (10% wastage) 0.5 ML Syr. ( 10% wastage) 5 ML Syr.( 10% wastage ) 1 Dewas 5,846 12,861 3,215 6,430 9,646 12,378 7,775 6, ,405 2,295 2 Mandsaur 4,318 9,499 2,375 4,750 7,124 9,143 5,743 4, ,473 1,695 3 Nemuch 3,111 6,843 1,711 3,422 5,132 6,586 4,137 3, ,823 1,221 4 Ratlam 6,777 14,910 3,728 7,455 11,183 14,351 9,014 7, ,040 2,661 5 Agar 2,496 5,491 1,373 3,319 4,118 5,285 3,319 2, , Shajapur 4,024 8,853 2,213 4,427 6,640 8,521 5,352 4, ,165 1,580 7 Ujjain 8,192 18,021 4,505 9,011 13,516 17,346 10,895 9, ,708 3,216
9 Reasons for Wastage These wastage rates are mainly due to these reasons as per listed below: Supply of vaccine & logistics on the basis of availability Poor monitoring of Open Vial Policy Poor documentation of vaccine loss during transportation Poor FIFO/ EEFO implementation Technical issues i.e. freezing of vaccine, poor temperature management &VVM etc.
10 How does it work?
11 Expected Outcomes
12 Thank You