Effectiveness of the URI Senior Nutrition Awareness Project (SNAP) Nutrition Education Programs with Older Rhode Islanders Brittany Loriquet Faculty Sponsor: Nancy Fey-Yensan Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences
SNAP Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program – Helps low-income people purchase the food they need 35 million people – SNAP-Ed Helps families and individuals make healthy eating and active lifestyle choices Senior Nutrition Awareness Project
SNAP-Ed Monthly newsletters – Nutrition to Go Monthly nutrition programs at low-income senior centers and housing sites in RI – Recipe sample – Interactive activities Toll free line
Nutrition to Go
Nutrition To Go
Programs Monthly nutrition topic – Recipe of the month sample – Interactive activity – Exercise Keep record of all members – Know SNAP participants Written evaluation
Evaluations December: Healthy Holiday Goodies January: The New My Pyramid
Evaluations February: Breakfast Matters March: Digest Your Best!
Evaluations October: Dining Out Healthy January: The New MyPyramid March: Digest Your Best! April: Farmers’ Markets
Analysis of April Evaluation Did you make healthy choices when dining out? Did you eat foods from a variety of food groups?
Analysis Did you increase your intake of fiber, water, or amount of activity? If yes, did you increase fiber? If yes, did you drink plenty of fluids?
Analysis If yes, did you increase your physical activity? After today’s lesson, will you plan on attending farmers’ markets?
Results – Dining Out Healthier Pre-test (October 2010): – 89.8% of participants stated they would try to make healthier choices when dining out 1 month Post-test (November 2010): – 89.7% of participants did make healthier choices Most common behavior changes: chose a vegetable, salad, or baked potato as a side (78.7%) and limited additional salt (75.7%) 6 month Post-test (April 2011): – 78.4% of participants reported making healthier choices
Results – The New MyPyramid Pre-test (January 2011): – 89.4% of participants said they would try to eat a variety of foods from different food groups 1 month Post-test (February 2011): – 84.6% of participants did eat a variety of foods Most common food groups: fruit (78.1%) and vegetables (75.0%) 3 month Post-test (April 2011): – 87.9% of participants reported eating from a variety of food groups
Results – Digest Your Best Pre-test (March 2011): – 86.9% of participants stated they would try to increase their intake of fiber, water, and/or amount of physical activity 1 month Post-test (April 2011): – 83.8% of participants responded they did increase their intake/amount in at least one of these three areas Most common behavior changes: drank plenty of fluids (83.2%) and increased fiber intake (61.1%)
Impact by Senior Center Sort data by location of program Where is the most benefit Best approach
Limitations Self-reported Literacy of participants Attendance Misinterpretation
Implications & Conclusions Programs have profound effects on participants Free community nutrition education programs are a necessity for all underserved populations – SNAP-Ed is the only such program Oppose funding cuts
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