The EPIKH Project (Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How) The EPIKH project: results and opportunities Roberto Barbera University of Catania & INFN & COMETA Consortium Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop Port El Kantaoui (Tunisia),
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Outline Background and concepts; The EPIKH project; Summary and conclusions.
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, st Century Research is becoming computationally intensive research
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, st Century Research is becoming computationally intensive research
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, e-Science Virtual Organisations Applications Data Instruments e-Infrastructure
Some of the world «divides» Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop,
7 The Global Research Network (1/2)
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The Global Research Network (2/2)
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The Global Grid EELA/ GISELA OSG Teragrid/XD NAREGI EUMEDGRID BalticGrid SEE-Grid EU-IndiaGrid EUAsiaGrid EUChinaGrid DEISA/ PRACE EGEE/EGI SAGrid EU FP6/FP7 funded projects
e-Infrastructure at «world» scale Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, >330 res. centers ~3.3 ∙ 10 5 CPU cores ~80 PB of storage ~2.8∙10 7 jobs/month >150 active VOs
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The Triangle of Knowledge Research & Development Innovation Education & Training Building e-Infrastructures is a waste if we don’t “build”, at the same time, their users. Along with e-Infrastructures, t-Infrastructures and training programmes are also needed. e-Infrastructure t-Infrastructure
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The EPIKH Project ( “Exchange Programme to advance e-Infrastructure Know-How” (EPIKH) –EU FP7- Marie Curie Actions – People - International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Consortium “numbers”: –23 partners; –18 countries; –4 continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America); –115 persons involved; –>650 researcher-months; –>500 secondments; Duration: March, 1, 2009 – February, 28, 2013 (48 months) EC contribution: 1,188,000 €
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The EPIKH Partners (
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, The EPIKH goals Strategic aims: –Reinforce the impact of e-Infrastructures in scientific research defining and delivering stimulating programme of educational events, including Grid Schools and High Performance Computing courses; –Broaden the engagement in e-Science activities and collaborations both geographically and across disciplines. Specific actions: –Spreading the knowledge about the “Grid Paradigm” to all potential users: both system administrators and application developers through an extensive training programme; –Easing the access of the trained people to the e-Infrastructures existing in the areas of action of the project; –Fostering the establishment of scientific collaborations among the countries/continents involved in the project.
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, EPIKH secondments’ programme 1 st Phase: Non-EU → EU (selected) Res. Programs 2 nd Phase: EU → Non-EU Grid Schools (with 1 st phase tutors) Final Workshops
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Grant opportunities ( ) The call for grants is open !
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, grant requests received so far; 58 selected List of CVs and profiles Trainer Trainee
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, EPIKH secondments done so far (
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, EPIKH events in the world (
Forthcoming EPIKH schools ( Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop,
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, EPIKH Schools (1/2) 1-week tutorials for site administrators (with remote installations) More than 10 new Grid sites already installed in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Grid Schools 2 entire weeks devoted to applications’ “gridification” call for applications widely open A total of 24 1-month Grid & HPC schools and related thematic workshops foreseen in the period 3/ /2013. EPIKH Schools (2/2)
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Training statistics ( >4 participant∙years of training already done! Feedback always >4.5/6
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Applications’ “virtuous cycle” of EPIKH Dissemination (workshops) Training events (schools) “Gridification” Deployment on large Infrastructures and inclusion in the portfolio of demonstrative applications
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Call for applications (
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, EPIKH applications’ lifecycle
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, MoUs with other projects 2 more MoUs in preparation with INDICATE (Digit. Cult. Heritage) and ANKABUT (UAE NREN) EUMEDGRID-Support EU-IndiaGrid2 GISELA CHAIN DEGISCO
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, List of already “gridified” applications ( Total = 50
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Example of application description
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Application statistics (
Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, Summary and conclusions e-Infrastructures are: –changing the way to do scientific research; –allow to tackle unprecedented challenging multi-disciplinary problems; –are considered key enablers of the progress of a country; EPIKH can represent for young brilliant scientists and technologists a unique occasion to learn and adopt the Grid paradigm through stimulating research programs; EPIKH can offer free technical support for anyone willing to organize local training events on Grid computing: –It can be undergraduate courses, M.Sc. courses, Ph.D. curricula, tutorials, Grid Schools, etc.; Thanks to EPIKH, large projects → National Grid Initiatives → campuses can easily setup Grid infrastructures and deploy/run on them scientific applications; I’m very willing to discuss possible ways of collaboration inclu- ding the expansion of EPIKH in the context of already open or forthcoming Marie Curie calls.
Thank you very much ! Any questions ? Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop,
Useful information on the web Port El Kantaoui, Grid & Cloud Computing Workshop, ContentAddress Web Wiki Training infrastructure Training materials w/GILDA/WebHome Call for Grants ?option=com_wrapper&view= wrapper&Itemid=108