Duties, Responsibilities, and Rights of Citizens Unit 1
For Government to be effective, citizens must fulfill their civic duties and responsibilities.
What is a Citizen? A member of a community with rights and responsibilities A community has different layers- country, state, county, city, your school, the people you live with
Rights of Citizens Security- protection by the government Equality- equal treatment under the law Liberty- rights guaranteed under the Constitution
Duties of Citizens Obey the law Pay taxes Defend the nation (draft) Serve in court Attend school
Responsibilities of Citizens Be informed and vote Participate in your community and government Respect the rights and property of others Respect different opinions and ways of life
Other Roles of Citizens Bureaucracy- complex system of organizing the government with many departments, rules, and people within a chain of command Volunteerism- the practice of offering your time and services to others without pay
Ways to Volunteer Community Involvement Charitable Organizations School-based Programs National Service Programs
AmeriCorps - work to meet needs within the US in return for money for college Peace Corps- provides services around the world (education, food production, healthcare) Senior Corps- opportunities for people 55 and older to help others USA Freedom Corps- brings together the AmeriCorps, Peace Corps, and Senior Corps