بسمه تعالي In a pumping system, the objective, in most cases, is either to transfer a liquid from a source to a required destination, e.g. filling a high level reservoir, or to circulate liquid around a system for heat transfer. A pressure is needed to make the liquid flow at the required rate and this must overcome head ‘losses’ in the system. Losses are of two types: static and friction head. Most systems have a combination of static and friction head.
تقسيم بندي پمپ ها
Axial Pump Radial Pump
Axial Pump Impeller
Axial Pump
Axial Pump Impeller
Radial Pump Impeller
Axial Pump
Multistage pipeline Centrifugal Pump
What is head? The term head is commonly taken to mean the difference in elevation between the suction level and the discharge level of the liquid being pumped. 1- Suction lift? 2- suction head? 3- dynamic suction lift : includes static suction lift, friction head loss and velocity head. 4-dynamic suction head: includes static suction head minus friction head and velocity head. 5- Static Head? 6- friction head? 7- Discharge Head? 8- Dynamic head? 9- Velocity head? 10-Total Head: It is sum of discharge head, suction lift and friction loss. Head 10-Total Head : Flow rate through the pump and throughout the system Physical parameters of the system: length and size of pipe, number of fittings and type, elevation of inlet and outlet Equipment in the system: control valves, heat exchangers etc Fluid properties: temperature, viscosity and specific gravity
Hydrodynamics of Pumps
Screw pump پمپ مارپیچی - به طور خاص برای انتقال مواد با ویسکوزیته بالا و متغیر - جهت افزودن محلول های پلیمر به سیستم های تصفیه آب طراحی شده اند.
Hydrodynamics of Pumps Screw pump پمپ مارپیچی - به طور خاص برای انتقال مواد با ویسکوزیته بالا و متغیر - جهت افزودن محلول های پلیمر به سیستم های تصفیه آب طراحی شده اند.
Hydrodynamics of Pumps Rotary vane pump پمپ پره ای در سیستم های صنعتی با حداکثر فشار 200 بار
Hydrodynamics of Pumps GEAR pump پمپ دنده ای برای پمپ سیالات با وزن حجمی بالا و فشار کم
High-pressure Pump
Affinity Law
Characteristic Curve
Pump Selection Q= 50 m 3 /hr H=29 m
Pump Selection Q= 50 m 3 /hr H=29 m 1450
Pump Selection Q= 50 m 3 /hr H=29 m
Pump Selection Q= 50 m 3 /hr H=29 m 2900
با توجه به اينكه كاركرد پمپ در سرعتهاي بالا استهلاك بيشتري ايجاد ميكند : در صورت كاركرد مداوم : 1450 دور در صورت كاركرد غيرمداوم : 2900 دور