1. Kasher / kosher foods are those foods you are permitted to eat.
Kosher Foods
2. Tref / trefa foods are those foods you are not allowed to eat.
Non-Kosher Foods
3. Permitted Foods Fruits, vegetables, grains (breads). Milk and eggs. Domesticated fowl. Examples: chicken, duck, turkey. Fish with BOTH scales and fins. Examples: salmon, cod, herring. Animal meat if they have split hooves and chew cud. Examples: cow, goat, sheep.
Permitted foods
4. Forbidden Foods Pork Birds of prey. Examples: eagle, owl. Fish without BOTH scales and fins. Examples: prawns, eels, crabs.
Certain foods are Not ok!
5. Meat and milk should not be mixed at the same meal. In orthodox homes there are two sets of dishes and cooking utensils, one for meat and one for dairy.
Some foods cannot mix in the same dish
6. The leader during a service of worship is called a Rabbi. Rabbi means “my teacher.”
Rabbi = Teacher
7. Hebrew is the language of Jewish prayer.
8. Major festivals are ushered in with the lighting of candles because light is a symbol of God’s presence, life, joy, and learning.
Lighting of candles
9. A bar mitzvah is not a ceremony but a person. It means “son of the commandment.” It refers to a 13-year-old boy who is now thought to be a man in the Jewish community. Usually a boy celebrating a bar mitzvah will read part of the Torah prayer for the day in the synagogue.
Bar mitzvah
10. Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the New Year. During a ten-day period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur a person should pray and repent for their sins.
Rosh hashana
11. Yom Kippur is a period when a person fasts and asks for forgiveness for the wrongs they have committed.
Yom kippur
12. Pesah is a spring festival that celebrates the Exodus from Egypt. The main feature of the festival is a large Passover supper called the Seder.
13. Shalom means “peace” and is used as a greeting to say hello or goodbye.
14. Community worship takes place in a synagogue. The Synagogue is a place for prayer, study, and social gatherings.
15. The Torah is the holy book of the Jewish religion. It is also the first five books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
16. The Ten Commandments are thought to contain the essence of the Torah and to represent the beliefs and ethics of Judaism.
10 commandments
17. During the Shabbat, on Saturday, not Sunday, Jews may not cook, drive cars or do any work. They spend the day in prayer and study of the religion.
18. The Shabbat, or day of worship, begins Friday night at sundown and lasts until an hour after sunset on Saturday night.
19. The headdress worn by men during prayer is the yarmulke.
20. A bat mitzvah is the same type of coming of age period for girls as the bar mitzvah is for boys.
Bat mitzvah