This PowerPoint file contains the Plenary for this chapter in Biology For You. Most of these slides are paired with a corresponding slide in the PowerPoint of the Learning Objectives for this chapter. As well as using the relevant slide to test your students and to evaluate how well they have understood each section of work, you may also find the slides useful for a quick revision course. Plenary Chapter 14
One 1………... Cell division: 2…………. All genes exactly identical: 3……….. Examples: 4…………… Amoeba 5………….. 6………….. Asexual reproduction Ch14
One parent. Cell division: mitosis. All genes exactly identical: clones. Examples: yeast Amoeba Potato Hydra Asexual reproduction Ch14
Two 1………….: special sex cells. Cell division: 2……………….. Genes may be different. The special sex cells are called 3…………... They have 4…………. the normal number of chromosomes. Sexual reproduction Ch14
Two parents: special sex cells. Cell division: meiosis. Genes may be different. The special sex cells are called gametes. They have half the normal number of chromosomes. Sexual reproduction Ch14
Sperm and egg acrosome nucleus containing chromosomes tail nucleus containing chromosomes jelly coat Ch14
Fertilisation Normal human cells have 1…. full sets of chromosomes. Human 2…… have only one full set of chromosomes. At 3…………….. the egg and sperm join. This creates a single cell called a 4……… The zygote now has two full sets of 5…………………... Ch14
Fertilisation Normal human cells have two full sets of chromosomes. Human gametes have only one full set of chromosomes. At fertilisation the egg and sperm join. This creates a single cell called a zygote. The zygote now has two full sets of chromosomes. Ch14
Male and female gametes fewermillions how many yesno food store noyesmobile largesmallsize eggs female sperm male gamete Ch14
Plant tissue culture Ch14 Virus free plant with chosen 1……………………….. Stem is 2…………… into tiny pieces and 3………………………………… Forms 6…………………………. Grown on agar containing 4…………… and 5………………………….
Plant tissue culture Ch14 Virus free plant with chosen characteristics Stem is cut into tiny pieces and sterilised Forms explants Grown on agar containing nutrients and hormones
Advantages of Plant tissue culture Large quantities of plants with desired characteristics e.g. disease 1……………. Relatively cheap and 2….. effective Can be used all 3………… round Explants are easy to 4……. and store 5………. cannot be grown from seed. Ch14 Disadvantages of Plant tissue culture No genetic 6………. Vulnerable to a new 7……….
Advantages of Plant tissue culture Large quantities of plants with desired characteristics e.g. disease resistance Relatively cheap and time effective Can be used all year round Explants are easy to move and store Bananas cannot be grown from seed. Ch14 Disadvantages of Plant tissue culture No genetic variation Vulnerable to a new disease
Grow your own clones Ch14 Your cutting has to grow its …… back before it can adsorb water. Removing leaves reduces its water …….. The rooting powder contains a …………… to encourage roots to grow back and a ……..… to keep back fungus disease at the cut. The bag will keep the air around the shoot ………….. to reduce water loss. Snip a small hole in the bag. If the air gets too humid ……….. disease of the leaves might develop. The new plants are ………….. of the original.
Grow your own clones Ch14 Your cutting has to grow its roots back before it can absorb water. Removing leaves reduces its water loss. The rooting powder contains a hormone to encourage roots to grow and a fungicide to keep reduce fungal disease at the cut.. The bag will keep the air around the shoot humid to reduce water loss. Snip a small hole in the bag. If the air gets too humid fungus disease of the leaves might develop. The new plants are clones of the original.
Cloned animals 1……… from a cell Egg 2……… a nucleus embryo transplanted into 4……… mother Nucleus and egg 3…… Ch14 Scottish Blackface ewe Finn Dorset ewe
Cloned animals Nucleus from a cell Egg without a nucleus Dolly the sheep embryo transplanted into surrogate mother Nucleus and egg joined Ch14 Scottish Blackface ewe Finn Dorset ewe
Transgenic animals Mature 1. …………… removed from the sheep’s ovary. Plasmids containing human AAT gene Plasmids inserted into fertilised eggs. The plasmid is the 3 ………………. Transgenic sheep produces ATT protein in 4. …………… ATT extracted and used to treat Emphysema and 5. ……………… ………………… Eggs 2. ……………………….. in vitro Ch14
Transgenic animals Mature ova removed from the sheep’s ovary. Plasmids containing human AAT gene Plasmids inserted into fertilised eggs. The plasmid is the 3 vector Transgenic sheep produces ATT protein in milk ATT extracted and used to treat Emphysema and cystic fibrosis Eggs fertilised in vitro AAT stands for alpha antitrypsin, Ch14
Embryo cloning sperm from best 1…… eggs from best 2…… fertilised egg grows into an 4…..…… These embryos are genetically identical. They are 5…… in vitro 3…….…… embryo transplanted into 6…….… mother early embryos can be broken up into many embryos Ch14
Embryo cloning sperm from best bull eggs from best cow fertilised egg grows into an embryo These embryos are genetically identical. They are clones in vitro fertilisation embryo transplanted into surrogate mother early embryos can be broken up into many embryos Ch14
A nucleus from a ……. cell is put into an enucleated …… the electric shock tricks the egg into …………… stem cells are ………… from the embryo these stem cells may have the potential to cure: ………………... ……………..…. Human embryo cloning Ch14
A nucleus from a skin cell is put into an enucleated egg the electric shock tricks the egg into dividing stem cells are extracted from the embryo these stem cells may have the potential to cure: Parkinson’s disease diabetes. Human embryo cloning Ch14 Human embryo cloning