OCEAN ____________ Chapter 12
________ enter the ocean through rivers, glaciers, waves, winds, dissolution of ___________ particles, and chemical reactions. Once in the ocean _________ are moved through waves, currents, and _________ activity.
___________ STUDY TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES _________ Sampler – collects a ________ sample of the top sediment ________ Corer – Hollow _________ pushed into sediment. Used to collect a sequence of _________ layers ___________ Tools – transmit _________ waves through water and into _________. Used when looking for _____ or natural gas.
Bottom ___________ Grab _______
________ Corer
_____________ – THE STUDY OF SEDIMENT LAYERS Scientists use deep-sea ___________ to study: Rock and __________ composition _________________ Deposition patterns Based on these they can: Estimate the age of ______________ layers Estimate previous ______________ patterns (ancient ocean currents) Estimate __________ sea levels
_______________ – THE STUDY OF PREHISTORIC OCEANS From __________ samples we have been able to estimate prehistoric ocean ______________ and climate with accuracy Research of the Earth’s ancient __________ currently emphasizes deep-ocean ____________ called siliceous oozes ______________ have played a key role in _______ develop current theories that propose that _______ once had oceans
__________ ORIGINS 1. _____________ sediments – come from ______ erosion or ___________ eruptions Most common = Quartz, _________, and clay These are the majority of ___________ found 2. __________ sediments – originate from ___________ and cover a large area of the ___________ Silica and __________ carbonate come from shells and hard skeletons of __________ organisms 2 nd most _____________ sediments found
SEDIMENT ORIGINS 3. _____________ sediments – result from _____________ reactions with seawater Sources of _________ minerals include submerged rock, new crust formation, ____________ vent water, river runoff 4. ____________ sediments – come from _______ space (tektites) Cosmic dust and ____________ impacts from asteroids and comets About 15,000-30,000 metric tons of ________ dust settle on the Earth each year; least ____________ of the sediments
SEDIMENT SIZES ___________ are classified on grain size – the diameter of the particle Grain size and current _________ affect the erosion and _________ (moving and settling down) of sediment Clay & _____ – smallest particles, require high energy to move because they ___________ together _______ – medium sized, takes the least amount of energy to erode _______ – larger particles require more energy to erode because they’re heavy.
_____________, TRANSPORTATION, & DEPOSITION ___________ – very high water speed causes the sediment to float without __________ the bottom (suspension) _____________ – high water speed moves the sediments by bouncing or _________ along the bottom ____________ – water speed is too low to move sediments; ___________ are put down
HJULSTROM DIAGRAM ___________ diagrams are useful for determining if an area is an __________ or depositional environment. The diagram displays _______ size on the X-axis and water _________ on the Y-axis The diagram shows the water speed needed to _______, transport, or deposit ___________ of a given size
Once ________________, sediments on the ocean floor do not move greatly, therefore, older ________ is always on the bottom while younger __________ are deposited on top. Sediments cover the ____________ topography of the ocean floor, creating the ___________ plains.
SEDIMENTATION ON ____________ SHELF Waves are the most __________ influence that keep particles from ________
RECENT VS. RELICT SEDIMENTS Recent __________ – accumulated since the sea level ___________. Found near the beach. ________ Sediments – accumulated and were left ________ when sea level was lower. Found farther out on the _____________ shelf
CONTINENTAL-SHELF SEDIMENTATION RATES Main source of ______________ on cont. shelf is from mouths of rivers _____________ on the shelf is more rapid than in the deep ocean At the mouths of large rivers, sedimentation can occur at rates of 1 meter per 1000 years The cont. shelf sediments are primarily ___________ and ____________
SEDIMENTATION PROCESSES ON THE DEEP-OCEAN BOTTOM Main source of ____________ in deep ocean are the remnants of _____________ Deep ocean sediments are high in ____________ material ______________ and hydrogenous are rare Rate of ____________ is VERY ___________ less than 1 cm per 1 ____________ years Sediments are thickest of __________ plains and thinnest or absent on the mid-ocean ridges and _____________
CONT. SHELF SEDIMENTATION AFFECTS THE DEEP OCEAN _____________ sediment on the cont. shelf avalanches down the ____________ slopes Avalanches called __________ currents Turbidities consist of layers of _____________ sand mixed with the deep-sea _____________
THE CARBONATE COMPENSATION DEPTH (CCD) ________ is a point at which __________ carbonate dissolves as fast as it accumulates from above _________ the CCD calcareous (calcium carbonate) ooze dominates _________ the CCD siliceous (silica) ooze dominates The slow ____________ of siliceous remains and high plankton productivity allow siliceous _________ to accumulate throughout seafloor.
CCD CONTINUED CCD varies with region due to ___________ and water __________ Atlantic and ___________ Ocean = 4,500 meter (14,750 feet) __________ regions – CCD is more shallow – siliceous oozes dominate ____________ sediments in polar regions
_________ PELLETS Scientists find that ocean floor _____________ is usually similar to particle composition of water above it This is due to __________ pellets ___________ consume the calcareous or silicon organisms They ____________ their waste The dense fecal pellets ________ quickly and form __________ ooze
MINERAL NODULES Nodules are _____________ sediments Ferromanganese _______ = iron and manganese Found on over ________ of the Pacific floor ____________ nodules = phosphorite and other trace minerals Found on the __________ banks and continental shelves _________ grow at a rate of about 1 – 200 millimeters per million years Scientists believe that ____________ processes cause the chemical precipitation
____________ & NATURAL GAS Oil and __________ gas found under the ocean contribute ________________ (that’s billion) dollars in annual revenue More than ____ of the world’s crude petroleum and ___ of its natural gas come from _____________ deposits on the continental shelf
OTHER ___________ WITH ___________ IMPORTANCE Ferromanganese and phosphorite nodules have potential _________ value Mining metal _______ deposits found at deep-sea __________ vents could be ____________ feasible Sand and ________ are an important resource for the _____________ industry