Activities Art and Design Tracing over vehicle shapes and stenciling around shapes. Bin men – Rubbish picture collage/ Using recycled material Tyre track picture using different toy vehicles e.g. fire engine, police car. Police- Talk about Police finger prints and solving crimes – use finger/hands/ shoe prints in a range of materials Dentist -Paint cut out teeth using a tooth brush with white paint Doctors and nurses collage: investigate, feel and describe materials make a collage and stick nurses/ make a cross out of materials Safety first; draw around hand, make up a story of how it got hurt, put a plaster on the cut 3D junk modelling of emergency vehicles with moving parts. Use of cardboard rolls to make hoses. Create firework pictures and crafts related to Christmas and Harvest. Music People who help us songs. Use of music express songs e.g. Say hello, Join in, don’t drop litter Playing instruments to children’s names to their syllables Reduce, re-use, recycle song (Jack Johnson) Number rhymes and songs e.g. Dentist – five white teeth song/ 5 little firefighters – song from helpkidz learn/ London’s burning. Nurse – head shoulders knees and toes Miss Polly had a Dolly Creative Movement Re-enacting action rhymes and songs ICT Use mark making and creative packages on the pc/IWB to record experiences. RE/SMSC Begin to recognise feelings of awe and wonder at the variations in the natural world. Be aware of other cultures in the world. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig To view and listen to a variety of visual and auditory stimuli. Thinking Skills Evaluate own work. Predict which objects will make the best patterns when printing, moulding. Topic: People who help us Area: Creative Development Class: Green Date : Autumn 2015
ICT Skills Presses switch to activate equipment e.g. to select a track on the CD player. Record work using the ipad. RE/SMSC Skills Begin to represent thoughts and feelings. Begin to show appreciation of the work/efforts of others. Welsh/Curriculum Cymreig Skills New vocabulary related to the topic. Listen to simple Welsh in a range of meaningful situations including Welsh songs and rhymes. Thinking Skills Plan the process/method to be used with support. Choose from given options what to do, how to do it. Class: Green Date: Autumn 2015 Topic: People who help usArea: Creative Development Foundation Phase Skills Explore and experiment with a variety of techniques and materials Use a variety of materials and tools for experimentation and problem solving when building and designing Discover and explore sounds. Play simple rhythmic and melodic patterns on a variety of instruments Make choices when choosing materials and resources LNF Skills Speaking Give a symbol/picture as a ‘token’ for a desired item (RG). Make an attempt at representing things e.g. animals etc in structured role play activities (LP). Copy actions in simple action game (AM) Use single words/ signs and a growing number of brief phrases (CS) Point to a desired item or item of interest (that is visible but out of reach) and vocalise (JD. SC) Vocalise or press a switch to play a recorded ‘part’ when turn comes in repeating drama/ representation (JH) Using Data Skills Consistently match pictures to objects (RG) Separate objects which share a specified attribute (LP/ CS/ SC) Touch, point or given an object to indicate an answer in a number activity (AM, JD) Record numbers by matching numerals to sets of objects (JH)