30 CFR Part 56 Safety Jeopardy!
Up in Smoke Grab- Bag Watch Your Step We’ve got your back Guard-ian Angel
Column 1 for $100 I know it’s discharged, but it’s okay to leave it, there’s another one over there
Extinguisher recharging or replacement Fire extinguishers recharged or replaced with a fully charged extinguisher promptly after any discharge Column 1 for $100
Column 1 for $200 The mine called us for a drill. Now we know what to expect
Surface firefighting, evacuation, & rescue procedures Establish emergency firefighting, evacuation, & rescue procedures. Coordinated in advance with available firefighting organizations Column 1 for $200
Column 1 for $300 Looks like everything is okay this month
Inspection. Fire extinguishers inspected visually at least once a month to determine that they are fully charged & operable Column 1 for $300
Column 1 for $400 They’ll have fun trying to get me off this railing in an emergency
General requirements (1) Of type, size, & quantity to extinguish fires of any class (2) Strategically located, readily accessible, plainly marked, & maintained in fire-ready condition Column 1 for $400
Column 1 for $500 Standard & definition of a safety can
Safety can use Small quantities of flammable liquids kept in labeled safety cans Safety can - Container not over 5 gallons, designed to relieve internal pressure when exposed to heat & a spring-closing lid & spout cover Column 1 for $500
Column 2 for $100 Why put up this sign, I’ll bet we don’t even need it!
traffic control (a) Rules governing speed, right- of-way, direction, & use of headlights established & followed (b) Signs or signals that warn of hazardous conditions placed at appropriate locations Column 2 for $100
Column 2 for $200 I found blockage in the chute, I think I can pull it free, but I’m not really sure what to do… ah…oh…
Chute hazards (b) Persons attempting to free chute hangups experienced & familiar with risk, know hazards, & use proper tools to free material Column 2 for $200
Column 2 for $300 Get under the bucket while I move the lever & you’ll see the leak I’m talking about!
Suspended loads Persons not work or pass under buckets or booms of loaders in operation Column 2 for $300
Column 2 for $400 My brakes have problems after I drive through this puddle
Roadway maintenance Water, debris, or spilled material on roadways that create hazards to mobile equipment removed Column 2 for $400
Column 2 for $500 This drop- off isn’t very far
Construction of Ramps & Dump facilities Designed & constructed of materials capable of supporting loads subjected Provide width, clearance, & headroom to safely accommodate mobile equipment Column 2 for $500
Column 3 for $100 He fell trying to climb ladder with a bag of tools
Use of ladders Persons using ladders shall face ladders & have both hands free for climbing & descending Column 3 for $100
Column 3 for $200 Billy just fell on the walkway and hit his head
Safe Access Safe means of access provided & maintained to all working places Column 3 for $200
Column 3 for $300 Is this portable ladder safe for getting in & out of the parts trailer?
Column 3 for $ Portable rigid ladders Portable rigid ladders provided with suitable bases & placed securely when used
Column 3 for $400 Aren’t working areas & passages suppose to be clean?
Column 3 for $ Housekeeping (a) Workplaces, passageways, storerooms, & service rooms kept clean & orderly; (b) Floors maintained clean & dry (c) Every floor, working place, & passageway free from protruding nails, splinters, holes, or loose boards
Column 3 for $500 I’m going under that suspended load to see if it is lined up!
Suspended loads Persons clear of suspended loads Column 3 for $500
Column 4 for $100 Safety glasses protect my eyes when grinding
Eye protection when operating grinding wheels Face shields or goggles in good condition worn when operating a grinding wheel Column 4 for $100
Column 4 for $200 Should I wear a life jacket when checkin g the pump?
Life jackets & belts Worn where there is a danger from falling into water Column 4 for $200
Column 4 for $300 He’s protecting people on that side from flash, but what about us over here
Ventilation & shielding for welding (a) Welding operations shielded when performed at locations where arc flash could be hazardous Column 4 for $300
Column 4 for $400 Keys in pocket, cylinders blocked, this truck isn’t going anywhere
Blocking equipment (a) Not work on, under, or from mobile equipment in a raised position until blocked or secured to prevent it from rolling or falling Column 4 for $400
Column 4 for $500 Seatbelts are a waste of time. I have ROP’s for protection.
(g) Wearing seat belts Worn by operator except when operating graders from a standing position, wear safety lines & a harness in place of a seat belt Column 4 for $500
Column 5 for $100 I’ll be careful to stay away from the moving parts
Moving machine parts (a) guarded to protect from moving parts (b) Not required where exposed moving parts are 7’ from walking or working surfaces Column 5 for $100
Column 5 for $200 We don’t have to guard along trough idlers. It’s only a 5’ exposed area of belt!
Unguarded conveyors with adjacent travelways Equipped with- (a) Emergency stop devices located so a person falling on or against conveyor can readily deactivate drive motor; or (b) Railings Column 5 for $200
Column 5 for $300 Keep it running, I’ll be done in a minute
Construction & maintenance of guards (b) Guards securely in place while machinery operating, except when testing or making adjustments that can’t be performed without guard removal Column 5 for $300
Column 5 for $400 It still works good
Stationary grinding machines Equipped with: (a) Peripheral hoods capable of withstanding the force of a bursting wheel & enclosing 270 degrees of wheel peripheral (b) Adjustable tool rests not greater than 1/8” (c) Safety washer on each side Column 5 for $400
Column 5 for $500 Stone keeps falling off the screen. Do we have to correct the problem or just put up a sign warning? OUCH !
Flying or falling materials Where flying or falling materials from screens, crushers, or conveyors present a hazard, guards, shields, or other devices provided to protect persons Column 5 for $500