British Cycling
Our journey
British Cycling Membership
Basics Understand who we are and what we want Vision Awareness of British Cycling Perceptions of what we represent Understand who are members are and what they want Entry Surveys Exit Surveys Wider Research Capture data and new members Own Channels Managed Channels Partners Engage and retain our members Member journey
UK population 16+: 49m Aware of British Cycling: 25.6m (52%) Very/quite familiar with British Cycling: 10.3m Who are we: Awareness Membership 74k
Understand what members want
Understand why members leave
Capture Data and New Members Own Channels Managed Channels Partners Facebook Twitter Online Entry System Club Management System Retail Sponsors Clubs PPC Affiliates Re-targeting GDN Events
Renew Build Relationship Become a member Search Discover Awareness of British Cycling: Events Clubs Partnerships Press & PR Friends and Family SEO (Search Engines) PPC (Pay Per Click) Social media GBCT Increased brand knowledge: SEO (Search Engines) PPC (Pay Per Click) Social Media Club Website BC Website Clearly defined, competitive prices and packages Simple purchase process Welcome – reconfirm benefits, login details Log into your dashboard for member benefits Welcome pack in the post Refer a Friend Keep in touch: Weekly member newsletter Drive engagement and value: Triggered s Exclusivity: Invites to events/member offers/deals Connectivity: Elite and everyday cyclists together Reaffirm value: what we’re doing for you Campaigning on behalf of our members One month before renewal Incentivised early renewal Upsell to next level Incentivised switch to Direct Debit Renewal Invitation Competitive prices and packages Simple renewal process Confirmation Reconfirming benefits Chase lapsed members Member journey Engage and retain our members
Understand the relationship ladder ProspectContemplatorSupporterChampionMember An advocate with a strong emotional connection who actively encourages others to get involved Actively engages in a range of British Cycling programmes and activities. Believes British Cycling takes care of cyclists and cycling in variety of forms Can’t be without membership. Is considering becoming a member Has an awareness of British Cycling Is aware of the membership product No significant relationship with British Cycling Loyal supporter with an emotional connection Views British Cycling as an organisation which is worth investing in. Engages with member benefits and sees membership as a way to show their support. Believes British Cycling represents the needs and interests of cyclists Has committed to becoming a member. Has chosen British Cycling above other cycling organisations Sees transactional value in the membership product Relationship with British Cycling based on their need or want of individual benefit Not aware of British Cycling membership Is a cyclist or a supporter of cycling Has the potential to benefit from being a member
Understand the popularity of benefits
Understand website performance Membership homepage views increased by 5x (Jul 09 = 7,920; Jan 13 = 48,437)
Why has it been successful?