Today’s Activities 1.Warm Up: America During WWI – Ernest Hemingway 1.Finish Frankenstein notes and turn in folder 2.All Quiet on the Western Front – Chapters 1-3
Warm Up: Cross-Cultural Comparison (America & Germany) Americans were not involved in the conflict early in the war American author Ernest Hemingway was an ambulance driver for the Italian army during WWI because the Americans were not involved in the conflict early in the war and because he was not allowed into the American army due to his poor eyesight. Farewell to Arms. However, he did write a novel about his war experiences called Farewell to Arms. It is about his experience being injured during an attack and his romance with a nurse at a British hospital. “romantic” view 1.Why would American literature have a slightly more “romantic” view of the great war when compared to Germans like Erich Remarque (author of All Quiet on the Western Front)? humiliated Vietnam war 2.Germany lost WWI and felt humiliated after the war. How might this be similar to America’s experiences after the Vietnam war? pro-war propaganda 3. Many of the British literature during WWI was considered to be pro-war propaganda. Why would authors write literature in support of a war?
Activity 1: Complete Frankenstein Folders 1.Complete Frankenstein T-Charts a.Major events from Victor’s childhood to the monster’s escape b.At least (10) film differences in the margin 2.Complete Independent Reading T-Chart a.At least one full page of events and results
Name Block Date Frankenstein : Dr. Frankenstein’s Character Development Victor Frankenstein begins his story with his happy childhood. What happened to change him into the wretched man that Captain Walton finds? Event in Frankenstein’s Life Emotional Impact / Result / Change 1.He sees a tree destroyed by lightning. 1. He becomes fascinated with the power of electricity and galvanism (etc.) 4. FILM DIFFER ENCES
Name Block Date Independent Reading: Character Development How does your character begin? What events change him / her through the story? Event in Character’s Life Emotional Impact / Result / Change (etc.) 4.
Activity 2: All Quiet on the Western Front 1.Read chapters Complete All Quiet question sheet 1 3.Turn in reading packets and question sheet
Name Block Date All Quiet on the Western Front Question Sheet 1 1.What is the title an allusion (reference) to? What type of report? 2.Why might the Nazis have burned this book? Does it show the German soldier as a fearless or heroic warrior? 3.Who are the “Old Folk” that the title of chapter 1 refers to? Explain (give names and general ages). 4.Who is Stanislaus Katczinsky? 5.How is Katczinsky different from Kantorek in terms of what he tells Paul Baumer and his friends about the war? Which adult tries to tell them about its realities? 6.Why do the men receive extra food in chapter 1? How do the feel about that? 7.Who are the “Iron Youth”? Why might they be called that? 8.What does the chapter 2 title, “Death Watch” refer to? Explain using character names and details. 9.Who is Himmeltoss? 10.What is the significance of Kemmerich’s boots? What loss could they be symbolic of?
Exit Pass: Turn in Work 1.Turn in warm ups. 2.Turn in folders. 3.Turn in books.
Extra Credit: Frankenstein Rap or Poem 1.Write 1.Write your own rap or poem about ONE scene, ONE character, ONE theme, or the ENTIRE plot of Frankenstein. 2.Turnit in 2.Turn it in no later than EXAM DAY. 3.Receive 3.Receive up to 15 pts extra credit. a.(5) points for the poem (if it is ACCURATE to the story) b.(10) points for performing it for the class