DISORDERS OF THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Burns 1.Threat to life a)Catastrophic loss of body fluids b)Dehydration and fatal circulatory shock c)Infection (vesicle = skin blister) 2.Types a)First degree – epidermis: redness (e.g. sunburn) b)Second degree – epidermis and upper dermis: blister c)Third degree - full thickness
BURNS First-degree (epidermis only; redness) Second-degree (epidermis and dermis, blistering) Third-degree (full thickness, destroying the epidermis, nerve endings, dermis, and often part of the hypodermis)
CRITICAL BURNS 1.Over 10% of the body has third-degree burns 2.25 % of the body has second-degree burns 3.Third-degree burns on face, hands, or feet Estimate by “Rule of 9’s” Body is divided into 9% regions
1. Infections 2. Skin cancer 3. Lesion = wound or local injury 4. Dermatitis = skin inflammation 5. Urticaria = allergic reaction – itching, hives
5. Scleroderma = thickening of skin 6. Laceration = tear or jagged wound 7. Herpes Simplex = virus causing lesions on skin and mucous membrane 8. Athlete’s Foot Fungus = causes dry, itchy skin
SCABIES Female mites burrows into the skin where she lays eggs Skin-skin contact (transmission) Clothing, bedding, towels Inflammatory elevation of the skin (red papules)
RINGWORM Fungal infection…not a worm! Skin-skin contact (transmission) Ring-shaped, scaly itching patches on the skin
IMPETIGO Superficial skin infection, highly contagious Bacterial in nature…staphylococcus or streptococcus Spread thru direct contact with lesions Thick, yellow crust (commonly on the face)
INFECTED WOUNDS Symptoms: - swelling - pain - fever w/ infection - bleeding or pus - foul smell To help: - sterile cleaning - Antibiotics and pain killers
Basal cell carcinoma Sqaumous cell carcinoma Melanoma Skin Cancer
6- 14
1.A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer 2.With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets into the dermal layer of your skin. 3.Causes a small amount of bleeding and slight to potentially significant pain. 4.Tattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible
Ink Matures Fibrin clot Granulation Tisssue
Epidermis Dermis INK Histology of a Tattoo Granulation tissue
6- 19 So where is my tattoo?
1.Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green, yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site. This can occur even years after you get the tattoo. 2.Skin infections. A skin infection — which might cause redness, swelling, pain and a pus-like drainage — is possible after tattooing 3.Other skin problems. Sometimes bumps called granulomas form around tattoo ink. Tattooing can also lead to keloids — raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue Risks
Bad Ink Bad sterilization
These are PPD Tattoos but they are often advertised as “Henna” tattoos. Like henna tattoos these are not permanent tattoos. However, because they are made from a coal-tar product, they can cause significant damage to the skin. PPD= black, no odor, often called “black henna” Henna= plant based, reddish- brown, have an odor
BODY PIERCING RISKS 1.Infection at the site of the piercing 2.Damage to underlying blood vessels or nerves 3.Scar tissue formation 4.Allergic reactions to metal 5.Chipped or cracked teeth, difficulty chewing or swallowing, gum problems 6.Navel piercings can take up to a year to heal because of irritation from clothing