Sustainable Development Goals Planning Perspective - Reimagining the Ivory Tower Dr K Mchunu and Ms A von Riesen
Overview Philosophical Foundation Context of Planning Policy Context Millennium Development Goals Sustainability Development Goals National Development Plan KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Planning and Development Strategy Planning Education – Core Competencies Voice, Vision and Vocation Improvisation and Experimentation Quality Education – What If? Closing Thoughts 2 UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day 2015
Planning as largely a Public Concern Humanism as the Core of the Planning Enterprise - its about People Planners are Spatial Social Workers Facilitating sustainable, enabling empowering environments Philosophical Foundation UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Unprecedented levels of Urbanisation as a consequence of concentration of wealth in social, spatial and economic islands –visible in the urban terrain Penetration of market forces in all aspects of society Planning education under pressure as tertiary education promotes the idea of corporatisation Increasing inequality, social polarisation, concentration of poverty and wealth with new forms of spatial and social fragmentation How to address sustainability in this context? Context of Planning UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Eight Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) Seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SG’s) Twelve National Outcomes – National Development Plan Five National Priority Areas (NDP) Six Provincial Priorities (KwaZulu-Natal PGDS) Policy Context UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Eight MDG’S Maternal Health Gender Equality Education Combat HIV AIDS Environment Globalisation Food Child Mortality UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Sustainable Development Goals UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day Source: optimized.jpg
The 12 National Outcomes Quality basic education NATIONAL OUTCOME 1 A long and healthy life for all South Africans NATIONAL OUTCOME 2 All people in South Africa are and feel safe NATIONAL OUTCOME 3 Decent employment through inclusive economic growth NATIONAL OUTCOME 4 Skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path NATIONAL OUTCOME 5 An efficient, competitive and responsive infrastructure network NATIONAL OUTCOME 6 Vibrant, equitable, sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all NATIONAL OUTCOME 7 Sustainable human settlements and improved quality of household life NATIONAL OUTCOME 8 Responsive, accountable, effective and efficient local government system NATIONAL OUTCOME 9 Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources NATIONAL OUTCOME 10 Create a better South Africa, better Africa, and better world NATIONAL OUTCOME 11 Efficient, effective & development oriented public service, empowered, fair inclusive citizenship NATIONAL OUTCOME 12 UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
5 National and 6 Provincial Priorities UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
PLANNING Spatial Equity Job Creation Human Resource Development Human and Community Development Strategic Infrastructure Climate Change Governance & Policy PGDS Strategic Goals UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
SACPLAN Competencies UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day Competencies Core Functional Generic
Planning Sustainable Cities Place Making Planning Theory and Public Policy Settlement History and Planning Research and Dissertation Geography, Sociology and Anthropology Land Economics Environmental Planning and Management Integrated Development Planning Land Use and Infrastructure Institutional and Legal Frameworks Regional Development and Planning Transportation Planning 12 Planning Education
Vocation, Voice, and Vision, A. The centrality of VOCATION is predicated on finding one’s voice and putting forth one’s vision Vocation cuts deeper than Profession, the next best thing to a calling One makes a life out of Vocation and living out of Profession There are profound joys and sorrows that accompany being true to one’s calling B. A VISION is VIBRANT and VITAL – it is a biblical, without a vision people perish Our VISION should be to keep people from perishing. C. VOICE The radical uniqueness and sheer singularity of voice are connected to connected to the depths of our soul and the love that abides therein. The connection between unique vocality, an empowering visionary practice, and sense of vocation are at the core of committed practice. UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Improvisation and experimentation are not explicitly articulated in planning yet much of our lives is a mystery Planners are expected to be innovative nonetheless – if we are to achieve the sustainable goals in development and planning education I aspire to a level of intellectual and soulful presentation reminiscent of a mixture of jazz and blues Improvisation and Experimentation UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Vision, Voice and Vocation UKZ-N Planning Discipline vision : “To establish a Planning Discipline within the broader School of the Built Environment and Development Studies that is dynamic, inclusive, empowering, acknowledges and appreciates diversity and individuality, and promotes interdisciplinary team work in collaborative planning research, teaching, administration and community development projects; and places its primary emphasis on academic excellence and the development of African scholarship and knowledge.” To achieve we in the process of establishing an Advisory Committee Actively engaging with Goal 17 – “Partnerships for the Goals” UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day
Quality Education – What If? Key issues related to education is the financial component Suggestion – what if the money contributed for the twelve years of schooling were paid back – gained a matric exemption Parents would be saving for a university education from grade 00 How would this be done ? Creation of an Education Bank – (PPP) with funds invested and interest gained through capital investment/education bonds Managed through a joint public/private initiative Investment boosted by government and private sector ( - growing purse) 17 UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day Quality Education 17 Partnerships Synergy
Final Thoughts Theme of todays session:- “Think Globally – Act Locally, Unravelling Development Challenges and Opportunities” In the context of quality planning education :- “Think strategically, imagine innovatively, educate comprehensively, and implement sustainably” First step in achieving the 17 Global Development Goals is planning education. 18 UKZ-N Presentation World Planning Day 2015