What is Title I? Title I is a federally funded program to help children get a quality education and meet academic standards.
2 Schoolwide Title I? A schoolwide program benefits all students in the school. This program allows schools to use Title I funds to pay for educational programs for the whole school. This program offers services and programs that can help improve your child’s education.
3 Types of Programs Some of the types of programs offered through the use of Title I funds are: –Tutors assisting the classroom teacher –Resources such as technology –Instructional materials and resources books, project materials instructional materials and supplies –Professional development for teachers and other staff to ensure highly qualified teachers
4 Help For All Students Title I schools work to: develop and implement programs that will add to the regular classroom instruction. provide services especially for students with the greatest need of educational help. increase parental involvement in school activities of the program and at home.
5 Title I Schoolwide Program Offers 1.more teachers and assistants 2.smaller class sizes 3.increased instructional time 4.more training for school instructional staff 5.increased use of research-based instructional strategies 6.may offer professional development for parents
6 Extra Learning Time This can be provided in several ways: before and after school in school tutorials extending the school day extended week (Saturday school) extended year (summer school)
7 Become Active in the Program Participate in your child’s education. Here are just a few things you can do. Attend school activities and events. Visit the classroom to observe every day educational activities. Talk to your child about school. Provide a place for your child to do homework.
8 We are looking forward to the beginning of another school year. We will be working hand in hand to provide each child on our campus an opportunity to obtain a quality education, which will enhance student achievement and academic success. We will work together in educating the whole child. Help us in “Producing the Nation’s Best.”
9 Questions and Answers