THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 1 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 EFI Subsystem Design, Fabrication, and Test Status
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 2 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Assembly and Test To-Date ETUs AXB (1 unit): assembled March ’04; RT and TVAC deploy tested, March ’04; redesigned, rebuilt, redeployed April ’04; Sensor redesign, May ’04; Straightness, May ’04; Horiz. Deploy (length cal), June ’04. SPB (1 unit): assembled April ’04; Housing, Door, and Door Actuator redesigned and rebuilt May ’04; vibe’d June ’04; TVAC and RT Deploy, June ’04. Preamp Enclosure: Four ETUs built, April, ’04 and integrated into ETU Cables, SPB, and AXB; Cable termination redesigned, May ’04 (post-I- CDR); revised ETUs to be built June ’04. Cables: One Prototype, two ETU Sensor Cables, and one special Thermal Cable fabricated March 29 – April 9, ’04; integrated with ETU Preamp PWBs and ETU SPB and AXB for vibe testing, and Preamp Thermal Model Simulator.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 3 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Assembly and Test To-Date ETUs (con’t) Preamp PWB: Two ETU Preamp PWB assembled April 9 ’04; integrated with ETU Preamp PWBs and ETU SPB and AXB for vibe testing. One Flight-like PWB assembled for Preamp Thermal Modeling (nominal operation at –130 C!). BEB: One ETU built, Mar ’04; functional testing, Mar-Apr ’04, design qualified, meets required specifications; Integrated BEB-Preamp-Cable testing ongoing, June ’04. DFB: One BB ETU with core FPGA functionality (CDI interpreter, waveform filters and filter banks) completed mid-May ’04; successfully integrated with BEB, DCB, and EFI/BEB EGSE, mid-May ’04; true ETU fab and assy late June-early July ’04.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 4 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Assembly and Test To-Date GSE and Harnessing EGSE: BEB/EFI Electrical GSE complete and characterized, April ’04; spare unit with reduced fuctionality to support BEB Flight Board Testing, on-order, June ’04. Faraday Boxes: two Faraday boxes with internal fixtures and wiring (signal paths and Plasma Simulators), complete, June ’04. MGSE: AXB TVAC fixtures done; AXB FrangiBolt simulator done; AXB HDeploy Track, TBC, June ’04; SPB TVAC Takeup Reels, TBC, June ’04 for SPB TVAC; SPB TVAC Fine Wire Deploy Reels, TBC, June ’04. TVAC Harnessing: design complete, April-May ’04; SPB ETU built, May ’04; AXB to be built, July ’04. ETU Harnessing: design complete, May ’04; under fabrication to support II&T, June ’04. Misc. Test Harnessing: dual boom unit Y-Test Harness, built May ’04. Breakout boxes, etc., designed and built as needed.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 5 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Near-Term Testing Mechanical AXB and SPB Vibe (June 9 and 10) – units passed. SPB TVAC (Deploy Testing) (June 18-25; pending completion of B20 “Bayside” refurbishment), AXB TVAC complete and successful. AXB and SPB Deploy Calibrations (late June). Testing required to support FLT machining orders complete. Thermal Long-Eclipse Thermal Simulation and Thermal Shock (aka. L-N2 Dunk) for Preamp, -130 C to 60 C (May 2004; July 2004) Electrical Integrated electrical testing of EFI and BEB (all of June 2004; EFI/BEB EGSE complete; Faraday Boxes complete in late April). Formal Preamp Thermal Qualification (TVAC cycles and DPA) (Jul-Aug 2004, parallel with F1 FLT build). Suite-Level Testing (II&T) EFI ETU delivered to II&T July 2004.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 6 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Parts Procurement, Qual, and Contamination Long-Lead Items All long-lead items in-house or on schedule for delivery to support July ’04 start of Flight production. –Custom Cable –SPB Flight motors, bearings, slip rings, machine parts. –AXB Flight stacers, bearings. –Preamp Enclosure machine parts and Cable Fab fixtures. –BEB parts kits. –DFB parts kits. –Preamp parts kits. Qualification Testing All parts passed radiation (AD5544 DAC and LTC1604 ADC, in particular). Formal qualification of Preamp OP-15 and design via TVAC and DPA in parallel to ETU and Initial Flight Build (July ’04). Contamination All suspect parts sent to UCLA for magnetic characterization (eg. SPB motors and geartrain).
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 7 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 EFI Integration and Test Plans
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 8 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Facilities ETU Testing Refurbished UCBSSL Silver B20 “Bayside” TVAC Chamber –Accommodates up to 4 SPB. UCBSSL Addition High Bay “Geoffrey” TVAC Chamber –Accommodates fully-deployed AXB vertically. Vibe Testing done off-site. AXB Horizontal Deploy Track. SPB Vertical Deploy Fixtures in High Bay –Alternately, Std. Horizontal Deploy in SSL “Dungeon”. FLT Testing Same facilities as ETU, plus: New UCBSSL Silver B20 “EFI Snout” TVAC Chamber –Accommodates fully-deployed AXB horizontally. Vibe testing done off-site.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 9 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Calibration and Test Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical SPB Deploy Length –Turns Count –Deploy Rate SPB Door Actuation and Function AXB Deploy Length –Repeatability –Stiffness and Straightness SPB Door SMA and AXB Deploy FrangiBolt Currents SPB and AXB Cable Continuity and Isolation during Deploy Electrical EFI/BEB Calibration –Quiescent and Operational Currents –DC Functional Tests (Gain, Offset, CMRR, Linearity, 0.1% Matching) –AC Functional Tests (Transfer Function, CMRR, Slew Rate, Linearity) EFI/SCM/FGM via DFB Phase Intercalibration –See Suite-Level I&T.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 10 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Assembly and Test Flow SPB Assembly and Test Flow, based on ETU Experience:
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 11 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 SPB Assembly and Test Plan
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 12 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 SPB Assembly and Test Plan
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 13 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Instrument (Suite) I&T Plan Integration and Test Instrument I&T takes place at UCBSSL. Environmental (TVAC, Vibe, Suite EMC as per THM-SYS-005 Environmental Verification Spec). Limited and Comprehensive Performance Testing: –SPB Motor Simulators (aka. Motor-in-a-Box) and AXB Test FrangiBolts (aka. FrangiBolt-in-a-Box) used for pre- and post- environmental functional tests of deploy mechanisms, as well as dummy electrical loads during “fake” TVAC deploy testing. –Internal DC and AC functional test capability used for pre- and post- environmental functional tests of sensors; sensors may be directly stimulated via ACTEST line on Test/Enable plug. End-to-End SPB and AXB TVAC Deploy Testing (IDPU-controlled; Motor-in-a-Box and FrangiBolt-in-a-Box). Integrated Fields System (DCB, DFB, EFI, SCM, FGM) modes testing: Nominal, Slow, Fast, Torturous Data Exchange, and “Mode X”. Phase intercalibration between EFI, SCM, and FGM performed using EFI Test/Enable Plugs, SCM Mu-Metal Box, FGM TCU and 12-channel, 16-bit, +/- 10-V National Instruments DAC system.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 14 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 S/C (Probe) I&T Plan Integration and Test Probe I&T takes place at Swales Aerospace. Environmental (TVAC, Vibe, Shock, EMI; as per THM-SYS-005 Environmental Verification Spec). Limited and Comprehensive Performance Testing: –Sensors via internal DC and AC Functional Test capability, monitored through ITOS. –Actuators via external Boom Loads Simulator (BLS) and Test/Enable plugs, monitored through ITOS. –Sensors may be stimulated externally via breakout on BLS, if required (non-standard test). –Initial ITOS requirements outlined, Apr Red/Green tag items: –One red tag Snout Cover per SPB (4 total). –One red/green Test/Enable plug per SPB (4 total). –One red tag Tube Cover per AXB (2 total). –One red/green Test/Enable plug supporting both AXBs (1 total)
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 15 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 EFI Production Schedule
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 16 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 F1-F2 Production Schedule SPB AXB Cals BEB Preamp Cables 5 Jul ‘04 13 Sep ‘04 4 Oct ‘04 26 Jul ‘04 Vibe TVAC, RT
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 17 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 FLT Production Schedule Grassroots estimate, based on ETU experience (1 person-day/subassy, TVAC and RT testing experience, electrical checkout, etc.). Subassembly Assy tasks (eg. SPB Motor, Spool, etc.) carry 100% margin. Rate setting steps are Mechanical Test and BEB Board Test (3-week durations). 3-week delivery cadence, with 2-week overlap between F n Boom Assy and F n+1 Subassembly Assy work. 5-week delivery cadence removes all overlap between successive Boom and Subassembly Assy work. Downstream schedule risk will be reduced by using Subassembly schedule margin and larger summer labor pool (F1) (GSRs) to lay in overstock for F2 through F6. Dedicated TVAC personnel (Jelinsky, McKee, Marker) used to reduce schedule risk from spreading Engineering staff thinly between Assembly, Test, and I&T. Predicted Delivery Date to II&T and Probe I&T vs. Required (01 JUL 2004 start) CadenceF1F2F3F4F5F6 3-Week13 SEP04 OCT25 OCT15 NOV06 DEC17 JAN 5-Week13 SEP18 OCT23 NOV09 JAN13 FEB20 MAR II&T28 SEP23 NOV 18 JAN 15 MAR Probe I&T10 FEB06 APR04 MAY06 JUN01 JULN/A
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 18 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 EFI Mission Operations
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 19 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Deploy and Commissioning Draft Deploy and Commissioning plan developed Nov Draft plan refined Mar 2004 in response to revised launch date (21 Aug -> 21 Oct 2006). EFI SOH to be determined on all probes using stowed DC and AC functional test capability during initial on-orbit check-out. Instrument SOH used to determine probe assignment. EFI deployed on all probes after placement in initial science orbits. EFI deployed in 6 to 7 steps: –5 to 6 intermediate deploy lengths with spin up for SPB. –1 step to deploy both AXB. Primary constraints on deploy and commissioning: –1 30-minute TM contact per 3-1/2 hours (thermal). –Desire to gather science data at intermediate deploy lengths and in different plasma regimes.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 20 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Deploy and Commissioning Deploy cycle on single probe (each step >= 3-1/2 hours): –Deploy SPB-X, wait for transmitter to cool down, run Slow Sweep if desired, take Diagnostic Mode data if desired. –Deploy SPB-Y, wait for transmitter to cool down, run Slow Sweep if desired, take Diagnostic Mode data if desired. –Spin Up to desired spin rate for beginning of next deploy cycle. Slow Sweep: 4 BRAID, 3 USHER, 3 GUARD and 32 BIAS settings; 1152 steps, 1 step/spin, approx. 1 hour duration, data rate TBD (baseline is Diagnostic Mode, which may be overkill). Diagnostic Mode data: –2 or 3 DCE channels at 32 samp/s (3.75 deg/samp). –4 to 6 V channels at 8 samp/s (few mm spatial resolution). –1536 to 2304 bps; supported out to P1 Apogee for Real-Time contacts.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 21 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Deploy and Commissioning P3 and P4 deploy first: –2-day, 2-orbit cycle: P3 deploying one orbit, P4 quiescent, then swap. –Full deploy and commissioning takes 14 days. P1 and P2 deploy next: –P2 on 2-day, 1-orbit cycle: deploy on outbound, quiescent on inbound; 14 days total. –P1 on 4-day, 1-orbit cycle: deploy on outbound, quiescent on inbound; 28 days total. –P1 deploy cycle maybe accelerated depending upon experience gained and data gathered during P3 and P4 deploy and commissioning. P5 deploys last: –1 or 2-day cycle, with full deploy and commissioning taking days.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 22 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Deploy and Commissioning Nominal Deploy and Commissioning Schedule
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 23 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Operations and Data Validation Operations Slow Sweeps and diagnostic data taken several times per year, upon first entry into a new plasma regime, and after long-duration eclipses to maintain optimal bias settings and monitor EFI state-of-health. EFI instrument mode set by ~30 registers on BEB; a typical mode will be specified with ~200 commands, valid over a typical one month period, once deploy and commissioning are completed. Data Validation Both sphere potentials and differential E-field data gathered in all waveform modes, allowing for initial verification of E- field data. Intercomparison of Eperp and –VxB from ESA and FGM to establish offsets and boom shorting effects.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 24 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Operation and Data Validation Data Rates (can change on-orbit; DFB mode commands) Slow Survey –Spin-fit radial and spin-avg’d axial E-fields; spin-avg’d SC potential (via ptcls). –Filter Bank of one axis. Fast Survey –3 E-field at 32 S/spin; 2-3 sphere potentials at 8 S/spin. –Filter Banks of Standard or Derived quantities. Particle Burst –3 E-field at 128 S/s; 2-3 sphere potentials at 32 S/s. –Filter Banks as in Fast Survey. Wave Burst –3 E-field at 1024 or 4096 S/s; 2-3 sphere potentials at 256 or 1024 S/s. –Filter Banks as in Fast Survey. Diagnostic Mode –3 E-field at 32 S/s; 6 sensor potentials at 8 S/s.
THEMIS Mission CDREFI- 25 UCB, June 14-18, 2004 Operations and Data Validation Nominal Sensor Biasing (CPS and PSBL; Prediction): CPS PSBL SC Potential <20 V and stable for CPS-PSBL plasma regimes When sensors run at 20 nA/sensor; Rsheath approx. 50 Mohm.