Lab Results Interfaces S&I Framework Initiative Bi-Weekly Initiative Meeting September 12, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

Lab Results Interfaces S&I Framework Initiative Bi-Weekly Initiative Meeting September 12, 2011

Agenda Moving Forward Implementation Guide Update Workgroup Updates Q&A + Group Discussion 2

Summer of Standards Harmonization Major Upcoming Milestones We Are Here IG Draft Version 0.1 April: Lab Reporting Implementation Guide Analysis – policy and Conceptual Designs drafted In-scope Test approach reviewed and outlined May: Recommendations for IG Vocabulary recommendations completed Vocabulary alignments completed Complete Public Health High Level Roadmap AprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptOct F2F Meeting Begin Code Development June: Final F2F Meeting to come to consensus (proposed Jun 13-15) Prepare any needed documentation for RI/DP IG guide drafted July: Initial Pilot planning IG Guide Version 0.2 drafting completed August: IG Version 0.3 drafted Report findings to HITSC September: “Key Stakeholder” Messaging and Outreach IG Version 0.5 drafted HL7 ballot opens for IG Pilot launch Fall: Draft MU Stage 2 Rule 3 HL7 Out of Cycle Ballot

Implementation Guide Update The LRI IG v0.5 has been posted to the wiki for comments – Comments should be made by 8:00AM EDT 9/14 Comments received after 8:00AM EDT 9/14 will be incorporated, time permitting, or held over for consideration along with other ballot review comments Submission to HL7 will be noon PDT 9/15 4

Implementation Guide Analysis WG Volunteer Leads: Ken McCaslin, Hans Buitendijk Action Items/Next Steps Regularly scheduled Tuesday/Thursday meetings for this week are cancelled due to the HL7 conference in California The IG WG will meet to wrap up loose ends on 9/14 10:00-11:00AM EDT Members should add their F2F availability to the IG WG F2F survey F2F survey 5

Validation Suite WG Volunteer Lead: Robert Snelick Action Items Reviewed draft LIS Test Plan and EHR Test Plan Template Discussed formation of test data addressing identified issues – i.e., treatment of LOINC codes Developed spreadsheet of segments, fields and components constrained by LRI IG Next Steps Call for committed workgroup members participation –NIST LRI Test Tool –Test Data collection, SME review and verification Prepare for October Face To Face Design and configure prototype test case Collaborate with Vocabulary WG and other SMEs in developing and peer-reviewing test data Software development of Validation Suite components

Pilots WG Volunteer Leads: Robert Lutolf and Rob Allen Action Items Update LRI Pilot Guide Define Timeline Developed Outreach Strategy for recruitment of new Pilots Next Steps Continue Pilot Outreach Prepare for October Face To Face Committed Pilots complete Pilot Project Brief Wiki page and develop a plan to complete steps in Pilot Guide 7