Student Interest Success: Family Medicine Departments Share Evidence-based Best Practices University of Kansas School of Medicine University of Missouri—Columbia School of Medicine Loma Linda University Medical School AAFP Division of Medical Education Amy L. McGaha, MD Ashley DeVilbiss
Objectives Review the current evidence about factors influencing specialty choice of family medicine. Learn about current national activities underway in the CARE model. Identify successful programming and interventions from schools that continue to recruit more than the national average of seniors to family medicine.
Multiple Complex Factors Admission Practices Medical School Mission Socioeconomic Status Personality Gender Age Marital Status Geographic Background Academic Background Career Intentions Values and Knowledge of Students Ethnicity Medical School Experiences Premedical Pipeline Lifestyle Debt Role Models & Mentors Legislative Mandates Income Dept Structure Educational Experience Preclinical Curriculum Required FM Clerkships Primary Care Tracks Faculty Competency Hidden Curriculum Type of Med School
Primary care tracks increase SI & choice FM clerkships longer, rural, >1 site Rural and lower SES medical students Highly competent FM preceptors and role models positively influence medical student interest Most medical students have some interest in primary care at admission Rural, older and lower income students are less likely to be admitted to allopathic medical schools Student encouragement by FPs is likely an important factor Lifestyle issues and debt may impact specialty choice Family physicians play key roles in the medical school curriculum but are generally perceived as “quiet” Attendance at the AAFP National Conference may increase interest Family physicians can influence individual students and medical school administration which can impact med school admissions Highly active FMIGs recruit and retain students
AAFP Areas of Focus Communications Admissions/Pipeline Role models Educational Experience *CRSI recommendations from results of Arizona Study, FFM, Working Party and Student Interest Summit
Multidimensional Approach “Family” Areas of Focus Role Models Preceptor Education Preceptor Facilitation Mentoring Projects Leadership Development Community Service Projects Admissions/ Pipeline Explore Pre-Med Book URM Outreach National Youth Leadership Forum Pre-Health Professions Advisors Admissions Committee Info Communications Virtual FMIG “Explore” Campaign American Family Physician Strolling Membership Communications Education FMIG Funding Initiative National Conference Programming Clerkship/Preceptorship Directory Student Externships Scholarships FFM
ELIZABETH A. GARRETT, MD, MSPH Professor of Clinical Family and Community Medicine Director, Family Medicine Clerkship
University of Mo-Columbia Communications –FMIG group is quite active with almost monthly activities –Leadership group has M3s and M4s who stay active –Clerkship office is near student space Admissions/Pipeline –I am a believer that having FPs on admissions committee is important-helps create a culture –Preadmissions program-Bryant Scholars –Rural track
Mizzou Role Models –Faculty and resident teachers are highly rated –Close contact with students in yrs 1,2, and 3 –When do role models occur? Our focus group results Educational Experience –8 week clerkship; parity with other clerkships –Highly rated coordinator –Nice blend of community and academic based rotation
The other E= Environment It’s not just about the length of the clerkship: well organized, respectful of time Prominent department (mixed blessing at times) Great relationship with other Clerkship directors- very supportive Internal Medicine CD At times need to inoculate students against hostile environment Constant vigilance!
Loma Linda University Medical School Barbara Orr, MD Predoctoral Director
‘s Mission Modeling Marketing
Fun Fruitful Famous Fair Marketing
Objectives Review the current evidence about factors influencing specialty choice of family medicine. Learn about current national activities underway in the CARE model. Identify successful programming and interventions from schools that continue to recruit more than the national average of seniors to family medicine.