Romanian Educational System Made by: Gliga Laura-Elena Coordonated by: Bindila Rodica
According to the Law on Education adopted in 1995, the Romanian Educational System is regulated by the Ministry of Education and Research. Each level has its own form of organization and is subject to different legislation.
Education is a national priority and “it aims to make the ideal humanist traditions and democratic values come true infulfilment of the aspirations of Romanian society, and contribute to the conservation of national identity. Free, full and harmonious development of the individual, of one’s independent and creative personality is the educational ideal of Romanian schools.” (Art. 3). Romanian citizens have equal rights of access to all levels and forms of education, regardless of their social and economic status, sex, race, nationality, political or religious belonging. The State promotes democratic education principles and guarantees the right to differentiated education on the basis of educational pluralism.
Educational priorities and concerns elaboration of new curricula and reorganization of teacher education; reform of the assessment andexamination system; setting up of new occupational standards through increased collaboration between the State, employers and trade unions. new teaching and learning materials for vocational schools; reform of initial and postgraduate training of teachers and foremen; improvement and modernization of vocational training equipment.
Kindergarten Children can start as early as three years old and can stay until they are six or seven years old. Kindergarten is optional and typically lasts for 3 or 4 forms - "Small Group" for children aged 3–4, "Middle Group", for children aged 4–5, "Big Group" for children aged 5–6 and "School Preparation Class",for children aged 6– 7. Services include initiation in foreign languages, introduction in computer studies, dancing, swimming etc. All kindergartens will provide at least one meal or one snack
Elementary school Elementary school lasts eight years in Romania. Most elementary schools are public. School starts in the middle of September and ends in the middle of June the following year. It is divided into two semesters. There are four holiday seasons, with an additional fifth holiday in November for students in the first 4 years. A class can have up to 30 students (25 is considered optimum), and there can be as few as one class per grade or as many as twenty classes per grade. Usually each group has its own classroom. The Romanian curriculum is known as highly academic and performant. There are up to 15 compulsory subjects (usually 8-13) and up to 5 optional subjects (usually 1 or 2).
High schools There are five types of high schools in Romania allowing access to university, based on the type of education offered and their academic performance: National College, Military College, Economic College or Technical College, Liceu (Standard High school), Grup Scolar. All of these allow for a high school diploma, access to the Bacalaureat exam and therefore access to University studies. All the rules and regulations of elementary school apply here. Uniforms are a local issue, according with each school's policies. Few high schools have uniforms, and in case they do, these are only used on special occasions (such as festivities, conferences, sporting contests etc.). Many high schools have their own radio stations, monthly or biannual magazines etc.
Higher education Higher education in Romania is less centralized than in many countries in the West, with every university having its own internal policies regarding admission, exams and conditions for graduation. With historically established universities in major cities such as Bucharest,Cluj, Iai, Târgu Mure, Romania's higher education institutions form a much looser network than in other European countries, albeit offering most of the qualifications sought after by today's high-school graduates. Romanian universities have been classified among the best in Eastern Europe, attracting international students especially in the fields of Medicine and Technology. The first modern Romanian universities are: University of Iaşi (1860) University of Bucharest (1864) Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj UTCN, Cluj
Student`s opinion about the Romanian Educational System In order to improve The Educational System in Romania, I think the student`s opinion regarding this subject has an enourmous importance. As a student in Targu Mures, at National College,,Unirea`` I would say that I am almost pleased with the educational system but there are also some thing that I would like to be different: the number of subjects I think is too large, it would be great if we had the possibility to choose 5-6 subjects and focuse only on them. The communication between students and teachers is poor.I think a pleasant relationship between them would be constructive. Usually students have no decision power in the workings of their high school, most high schools do not even have a school council, with all the decisions being taken by one of the principals. In my school we have to wear uniforms and I think this is a good point of the system because I really feel proud of it, it represents me and my work as a student.
Bibliography: #Elementary_school regions/europe-and-north-america/romania/profile-of- education.html