The VCCS Administrative & Professional Faculty Development, Evaluation, and Recognition System Task Force Report March, 2016
Executive Summary Policy (also available in Policy Manual, Section 3.6.1) Model Plan with associated forms Guidelines (for local plan development) Source Guide for Formative Feedback Instrumentation (an Appendix to the Model Plan) Transition Plan (in two parts) Informational video (new)
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Overall Summary Rating: Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Prescribed Evaluation Cycles: Calendar-Year Cycle for professional faculty who are eligible for a multi-year appointment. Fiscal-Year Cycle for all other professional faculty and for all administrative faculty.
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Three Major Components: Performance Evaluation Annual Objectives Reward and Recognition
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Frequency of Evaluation: First-year faculty (including faculty in the first year of a new position): interim evaluation within first 6 months of employment; two evaluations within the first 12 months of employment. Second-year and third-year faculty: evaluated annually Professional faculty working under a multi-year appointment: comprehensive evaluation at the end of the last full calendar year included in the multi-year appointment (optional) Administrative faculty and Professional faculty not working under a multi-year appointment: evaluated annually
Mid-Year Progress Review Regardless of the nature of the appointment, faculty should meet with their supervisor twice annually, at mid-year and year-end, for a performance review and to discuss the progress toward achievement of annual objectives. VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS
Prescribed Performance Domains: Core Job Responsibilities (i.e. position description) Non-routine and/or Strategic Responsibilities and Activities College, Community, and Professional Service Professional Growth and Development Management Effectiveness (required of faculty with supervisory responsibilities)
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Formative Feedback: The college’s evaluation process must provide for solicitation and analysis of formative performance feedback from a sampling of faculty and staff supervised by the faculty member, peers, individuals to whom the faculty member provides a service, and individuals with whom the faculty member has professional interactions Input must be gathered at least once every three years.
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Annual Objectives: Established in consultation with the supervisor at the beginning of the applicable evaluation cycle. Objectives represent an extension of expectations associated with performance domains. Objectives should be related to the strategic goals of the organizational unit, the college, or the VCCS; to the professional growth and development of the faculty member; or to improvement in specific areas of the faculty member’s job performance. Assessment of achievement of annual objectives is a required component of the comprehensive evaluation.
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: KEY POLICY PROVISIONS Reward and Recognition: Faculty who have demonstrated exemplary performance and whose contributions have had a major positive impact on the organizational unit, the college, or the VCCS must be acknowledged. The college’s evaluation plan must include formal provisions for recognizing and rewarding performance that exceeds expectations.
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: TIMELINE FOR DEVELOPMENT/ADOPTION OF COLLEGE PLANS New policy effective date: July 1, 2016 Professional faculty with multi-year eligibility – six-month evaluation under new policy/plan to be completed in December, 2016; transition to calendar-year cycle beginning January 1, 2017 All other professional faculty and all administrative faculty – transition to new policy/plan July 1, 2016 Options: Adopt Model Plan for ; revise as needed for Implement Model Plan for ; revise as needed during first year of implementation Revise existing college plan to comply with new policy
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: COMMUNICATION & TRAINING Informational Video Resources on Web site System-wide webinar (late March/early April) Face-to-face training (late April/early May)
VCCS A&P FACULTY EVALUATION: THE “FORMATIVE FEEDBACK” CHALLENGE solicitation and analysis of formative performance feedback from colleagues to be gathered at least once every three years Source guide in Model Plan Investigation of potential for enterprise solution