A Guide to Higher Education James Ringer Deputy Head of Recruitment
Choose what you want to study Choose where you study it Develop your skills Improve career opportunities Earn more money Opportunities
Accountancy, Acoustics, Actuarial Science, Advertising, Aeronautics, Aesthetics, African Studies, Agriculture, Agroforestry, Air Conditioning, Akkadian, Amenity Management, Amharic Studies, Analytical Science, Anatomy, Ancient Civilisation, Anglo-Saxon, Animal Farming, Anthropology, Antique Restoration, Aquaculture, Arabic, Aramaic, Archaeology, Architecture, Art, Artificial Intelligence, Asset Management, Astronautics, Astronomy, Audio and Video Systems, Automotive Engineering, Avionics, Baking Technology, Ballet, Band Musicianship, Banking, Beauty Therapy, Biblical Studies, Biochemistry, Biodiversity, Biomedical Science, Biometry, Bookbinding,Brazilian Studies, Brewing and Distilling, British Sign Language Interpreting, Broadcasting, Building, Bulgarian, Business, Byzantine Studies, Calligraphy, Canadian Studies, Caribbean Studies, Cartography, Catering Management, Ceramics, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Childhood Studies, Creative Music Technology…. 50,000 options
Course content Narrowing down Entry requirements Industry connections Study abroad Reputation & quality Career plans
Applying UCAS 5 Apply Online Write a Personal Statement Reference Choose courses 1 st September UCAS Apply available 15 th October Closing date for: Oxford/Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine or Veterinary Science 15 th January Closing date for all other courses End of February UCAS Extra available End of June Late applications process closes UCAS Extra closes Mid August Clearing starts
Where to study Regional college Modern university Traditional university
Big city Somewhere quieter Campus Location
Big city Somewhere quieter Campus Location Close to home Far away
Independence Independent learning Self motivation No one tells you what to do Learn to look after yourself Financial awareness
Student Finance Fees Loans Bursaries
Tuition Fees Universities can charge up to £9000 per year But, you don’t pay any money up front Tuition Fee Loan Not means tested Covers the whole cost of your fees Paid back after graduation
Repay Tuition Fees Loan
Maintenance Support Full year living at home £3,175 £6,904 Full year living away £3,772 £8,200 Full year living in London £4,923 £10,702 Basic Loan (46%) Max Loan Everyone gets at least c.46% of the loan The rest is means tested on household income The loan can change depending on where you study
Tuition Fees Loan Maintenance Loan Repay
Most universities offer financial support packages to students. Bursaries -Usually linked to personal circumstances -Can include cash, fee waivers, accommodation discounts… Scholarships -Can be linked to academic results or outstanding ability in one area, such as sport, music, or art -Can be specific to one subject area -Limited in number Bursaries & Scholarships
Repay Tuition Fees Loan Maintenance LoanScholarships Bursaries Don’t Repay
Goldsmiths Lewisham Fee Waiver Local Student Travel Bursary Local Student Partial Fee Waiver Mayor's New Cross Awards Lord Mayor's Sir John Cass Foundation Scholarship Mature Students’ Scholarships Access Programme Scholarships Disabled Students’ Scholarships Care Leavers’ Scholarships Eliahou Dangoor Scholarships Rob Stringer Music Scholarship Gary Hume Art Scholarship
Repayments Tuition/Maintenance Loan paid back after graduation If earnings fall below £21,000 per year, repayments stop Paid back from your earnings Only repay when earning over £21,000 per year Repayments based on what you earn, not what you owe e.g. Earn £25,000, repay £30 a month Interest charged on a sliding scale from RPI to RPI +3%
Income each year before tax Income from which 9% is deducted Monthly Repayment (Approx) £21,000£0 £25,000£4,000£30 £30,000£9,000£67 £35,000£14,000£105 £40,000£19,000£142 £45,000£24,000£180 £50,000£29,000£217 £60,000£39,000£292 Loan is cancelled if you have it for 30 years Does not affect credit rating
Students’ Union NUS Card Radio Television Newspaper Volunteering Run for election Campaigns Sports facilities Social facilities
Next steps Research Talk to friends and family Go to higher education fairs Open days Information and guidance services