Loving the Existential Moment In Library Instruction!
Currere (pronounced cure-rare-aye): from the Latin meaning “to run the course” or “to run the race” implies... ACTION MOVEMENT The ABILITY TO MORPH The ACCEPTANCE THAT SH*T HAPPENS based on the work of William Pinar
CURRERE... FEW HAVE IT. But for those who dare to teeter on its precipice... You have to build up to it. “with experience, it seems to be possible To control the flow of the paint, to a great extent, And I don’t use the accident, because I deny The accident.” (Jackson Pollock)
o You have to know who you are. You are interesting to students. You have to like that idea. o You have to know your stuff. o You have to know how to teach. You’re IT. o You have to really look at your students. Know their present arrests – learn their stories. o You have to know the world around you. o Make the most of that moment. Recontextualize, morph, flex, and pay attention. That’s currere.
The Perils of Currere-ing Your Class The FREUDIAN SLIP (oh-my-gawd) Being TOO irreverent Using the wrong generational metaphor Giving TOO MUCH INFORMATION The Substitute-Teacher Phenomenon
FREE ASSOCIATION... It’s a GOOD THING Every class is a unique experience You are forced to reconsider your own pedagogy You begin to look forward to hecklers and malcontents You challenge yourself to be smarter and quicker You learn to morph You are teaching from the heart & the head, not the blueprint
“I have no fears because painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.” “Painting is self-discovery. Every good artist paints what he is.” (Jackson Pollock)
CURRERE ! Be here now! Because no matter what you say or do in the classroom... YOU ARE THE LIBRARY... And YOUR STUDENTS CREATE THE CURRICULUM.
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s currere