Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 1 CITE tests for and HMA-T Phase 2 Progress Meeting 19 February 2009, Hoeilaart Nicolas Lesage, IGN
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 2 Toc Work performed Work planned Schedule Issues and concerns
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 3 Work performed WP0 – Management Meetings & telecons: KO meeting, September telecon Reporting WP1 – Improve P&P HMAT-TN-0001-IGN HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy, Issue 1, 25/08/2008HMAT-TN-0001-IGN Defines the ATS and ETS development process for HMA-T Catalogue protocols Specifies input, output, context, resources of the process HMAT-TN-0001-IGN HMA-T Phase 2 Testing Policy, Issue 1, Revision 1, 03/02/2009HMAT-TN-0001-IGN Includes an ATS template based on the other partners’ ATS layout
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 4 ATS and ETS development process Candidate Protocol Implementations Report Test Platform Support Deployed ETS ATS Service Protocol ATS, Acceptance test plan Recommendations for evolution of the protocol Test report Test Platform Reference Impl. Deployment & validation Development Platform ETS Reference Impl. Test Data, ETS & documentation Issues
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 5 Work performed WP2 – CITE Tests for OGC & WP3 – CITE Tests for OGC Spacebel and ESA propose that IGN will be the editor of the ATS and ETS that will be presented/submitted to the CITE WG. The IGN document should integrate the ATS and ETS contributions from other partners with the same CITE subject (CNR and con terra). The Policy document should ensure that the “merging” at the end will be straightforward Agreed in principle. The convergence between the different inputs will not be so straightforward even with the policy document. IGN proposes to handle the coordination.
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 6 Work planned WP0 – Management Attend meetings and telecons Reporting Resolve RIDS and open actions WP1 – Improve P&P Revision 2 to be submitted end of Feb Revision 3 (including ETS Template) to be submitted end of March WP 2 & 3 – CITE tests Develop ATS and CTL test scripts for OGC and OGC Submit ATS to EO EP and CIM EP SWG in OGC Submit ETS to OGC CITE SC
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 7 Proposed schedule (WP1) Revision 2 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGNHMAT-TN-0001-IGN (WP2&3) First draft ATS merging partner’s ATS + list of issues Start of ETS development (to be confirmed) : teleconf to address the issues (WP2&3) Consolidated draft ATS for a week review (WP1) Revision 3 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGN including ETS TemplateHMAT-TN-0001-IGN (W2&3) Submission ATS to OGC SWG (W2&3) Deployment on the ESA Test Platform / release of ETS During the support phase : revise ATS and ETS as needed Submit ETS to CITE SC
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 8 Issues Scheduling Revised date of AR-2 Coordination Anticipate release of 1st draft ATS and list of issues 6 march 2009 Confirm a teleconf around 13 march 2009 Anticipate review of consolidated ATS between march 2009
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 9 MAJOR RIDs YC-01 : Document was supposed to be independent of "HMA“ (…) catalogue specific content was to be separated from policy part Revision 2 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGNHMAT-TN-0001-IGN OGC already has its own policy specification YC-02 : MOM-2003 required ATS and ETS documentation to be stand-alone documents. The current guidance uses HMAT document template. The information should be in a document (e.g. draft OGC change request for ATS and normal OGC template for ETS HMAT-TN-0001-IGN is not expected to become an OGC DocHMAT-TN-0001-IGN IGN will provide ATS and ETS as OGC document. YC-03 : ETS Template Revision 3 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGN (lack of feedback)HMAT-TN-0001-IGN YC-05 : ETS scripts should not stop after first non-conformance, even when non- conformance wrt a mandatory requirement Revision 2 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGNHMAT-TN-0001-IGN Stop only if the non-conformance blocks the testing
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 10 Open actions (1/2) #51: Propose an acceptable planning possibly with incrementals delivery Done in this presentation #50: Confirm merging of ATS and ETS documents into a document to be submitted to OGC Wrong formulation of action : ATS and ETS will be provided as separate documents merging ATS and ETS from partners Done in this presentation #49: include guidelines on conformance classes in Policy document Done (no RID on this) #48 : Separate « policy » part from catalogue specific parts in policy document Revision 2 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGN (See YC-01 RID)HMAT-TN-0001-IGN
Hoeilaart, 19 February 2009 Slide 11 Open actions (2/2) #47: Explain status of ISO19139, « srv » namespace and issues as per MOM Done in coordination with ERDAS (F. Houbie) #35: Align conformance class to take into account proxy implementations Noted, but there is an issue related to reference specs not established to enable this #34: Includes rules listed in MOM in policy document update Partially done Double check this in preparation of Revision 2 of HMAT-TN-0001-IGNHMAT-TN-0001-IGN #12: Provide information on ISO on the wiki Oops!? To be done ASAP