PICKLING - CARROTS By Ms Lum Teacher: Ms Lum
describe and explain the preservation techniques Pickling is the process of preserving or expanding the lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar.preservingfoodanaerobicfermentationbrinevinegar In chemical pickling, the jar and lid are first boiled in order to sterilize them. The fruits or vegetables to be pickled are then added to the jar along with brine, vinegar, or both, as well as spices, and are then allowed to ferment until the desired taste is obtained.jarlid The carrots can be pre-soaked in brine before transferring to vinegar. This reduces the water content of the food which would otherwise dilute the vinegar. This method is particularly useful for fruit and vegetables, like carrots with a high natural water content.
describe how the carrot is effectively preserved.. Carrots are one of my edible staples. They keep well, taste good and can do a lot. For this recipe the carrots are peeled cut into narrow sticks briefly blanched and then suspended in a simple vinegar pickling solution they come out tender but retains its crispness. after a day or two of soaking, these pickles are ready to be eaten eat straight from the jar
explain why the particular preservation technique was chosen for this product AdvantagesDisadvantages You can: use a variety of fruits and vegetables create interesting products add variety to meals. Preserving: produces strong flavours that may not always be popular uses flavouring ingredients such as special pickling spices which may not be readily at hand agents such as sugar, vinegar and oil may be expensive may have a high salt concentration in the finished product.
compare and contrast preservation techniques for a product Freezing Carrots The food: keeps it shape and colour can be kept safely even if it is non acidic can be stored in abundant supplies, for example wild deer can be packaged for end use requirement can be processed later into jam, for example, strawberries. Freezing: depends on electricity supply means that running costs need to be considered requires new freezer bags each time; the bags need to be air tight, strong and clean requires appliances that take space in a house may deplete flavour through drip loss causes liquids to expand and rupture cell walls of fruits and vegetables needs refrigeration to thaw food safely. I prefer to freeze the carrots, mainly because of the taste is bland and I can decide what flavours to add, for example, savoury with a cheese sauce, or curry powder if I want to make a carrot soup. Whereas with a pickled carrot, the vinegar overpowers the flavour and I cannot get rid of it, thus it limits the uses of pickled carrots. When freezing carrots, I do not need to buy extra cooking equipment, but self sealed bags, it will also be a cheaper option and everyone has a freezer.