Spreadsheet review
Primary key (also called key field): A field which is different for every record in the table Composite key When two fields together are used because no single record is unique Primary and composite keys
Traditional Business Employee monitoring: in the US, 76% of major companies monitor their employees’ use of internet and US employees wasted just over 2 hours of each 8 hour work day, with 44% rating the internet as their major distraction Companies can be held legally responsible for inappropriate content sent by employees Employee monitoring
Solutions Filter internet connections to block common sources of distraction such as social networks, pornography and games Internet monitoring software and monitoring to make sure that companies’ acceptable use policies are followed Network administrators can easily monitor websites, downloaded files and blocked pages employees have tried to access Filter, internet monitoring software
Since most is not encrypted, both ingoing and outgoing can be read because it passes through a gateway server on the company LAN Desktop monitoring software Programs that can produce detailed reports about almost any aspect of a computer’s use remote viewing and remote desktop features Allow a remote user to view and interact with the screen of another computer respectively Desktop monitoring software
Teleworking ( or telecommuting) – when employees work away from the office and use information technology to stay in touch with colleagues While traveling, hotel or airport wireless networks are insecure, so it is better to use VPN software Virtual Private Networks (VPN) – use encryption to create an encrypted tunnel from one computer to a local network in another location, over a public network Teleworking, VPNs
Collaborative software allows people to work together on documents and projects from anywhere with an internet connection Mail merge Most word-processing and DTP software allows the user to insert fields of data into documents from a source such as a database table Macros – a software feature that lets users record a sequence of actions or instuctions that can be played back later Collaborative software, mail merge, macros
Macros also have the potential to be harmful, altering data and sending volume s because of this, you can disable these Intranet – a network that shares information privately among the employees of an organization Information on an intranet is usually web pages or Information that only people in the organization need to know is distributed here Extranet – sharing part of the company’s information with with a selected few people outside of the organization Macros, intranet, extranet
When using an extranet, authentication is required Deskilling – in many areas, IT is capable of doing the work that several people have been doing, leading to the replacement of a skilled worker by someone who is semi-skilled or unskilled Reskilling – replacing jobs with new jobs that require working with new technology Macros, intranet, extranet