Widow - Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Widow of: Service member who died while on active duty Veteran who was 100% SCD for 10 yrs. or longer Veteran who died of SCD (or should have been SCD) “ BASIC” ELIGIBILITY FACTORS Veteran Non Service Connected Pension Age: 65 and older Under 65 if deemed P/T Disabled Service:Active duty wartime service Income: Adjusted Income must be less than Maximum Annual Pension Rate Net Worth To be discussed on next slide Widow Survivors Pension Age:No age requirement Service:Active duty wartime service Income:Adjusted Income must be less than Maximum Annual Pension Rate Net Worth:To be discussed on next slide
NET WORTH Net worth includes assets such as: bank accounts Stocks Bonds mutual funds Annuities Any property other than your residence and a reasonable lot area. You should report all of your net worth VA will determine whether your assets are of a sufficiently large amount that you could live off of them for a reasonable period of time. Net worth threshold is $80, For a married Veterans $80, each.
INCOME COUNTABLE INCOME Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. Earnings Social Security Disability and retirement payments Interest and dividend payments from annuities Net income from farming, business, rentals, ect. Veterans Service Connected Disability Payments are NOT countable income ADJUSTED INCOME Adjusted income is calculated by subtracting out of pocket medical expenses from the countable income.
OUT OF POCKET MEDICAL EXPENSES Payments made by the claimant for Regularly Occurring Medical: Treatment(s) Medications Equipment Care *If in doubt, submit the expenses and let Milwaukee determine if the expense is countable. The VA determines the out of pocket expenses based on supporting documents submitted with the claim.
BASE RATE CALCULATIONS Veteran’s Income: $ /mo. SS $200.00/mo. Ret. Total Income: $ /mo. Out of Pocket Med. $100.00/mo. Scripts $300.00/mo. Sup. Ins. Total Med. Exp. $400.00/mo. Total Income: $ /mo. Total Med. Exp. $400.00/mo. (Subtract) Adjusted Income $900.00(monthly) Adjusted Income $10, (Annual) Base Pension Rate $12, (Vet w/ no dependents) Subtract Adjusted Income $10, Difference $ Divided by 12(months) Benefit $172.30/mo Example:
PENSION ATTACHMENTS A&A and Housebound Veterans and survivors who are eligible for a VA pension and require the Aid & Attendance of another person, or are Housebound, may be eligible for additional monetary payment. These benefits are paid in addition to monthly pension, and they are not paid without eligibility to Pension The VA awards the attachment based on the VA Form This form is filled out by the claimant’s doctor and must be submitted to have the attachments considered
AID & ATTENDANCE (A&A) A&A attachment may be added to monthly pension if it is shown the claimant requires: Custodial Care. Custodial Care: For VA pension purposes as requiring the aid of another person in order to perform (2) or more: Activities of Daily Living (ALDs). ADLs are defined needing regular assistance with requirements in everyday living: Bathing Adjusting prosthetic devices Dressing Attending to the wants of nature Feeding The Following conditions will also be considered for A&A: You are bedridden, in that your disability or disabilities requires that you remain in bed apart from any prescribed course of convalescence or treatment You are a patient in a nursing home due to mental or physical incapacity Your eyesight is limited to a corrected 5/200 visual acuity or less in both eyes; or concentric contraction of the visual field to 5 degrees or less
HOUSEBOUND Claimant is: Substantially confined to your immediate premises because of permanent disability.
A&A and HOUSEBOUND CALCULATIONS Attachments to the pension benefits the claimant in (2) ways: 1)The available yearly income rate is increased (ref. Pension Rate Tables) 2) Any out of pocket expenses for the Custodial Care is now deductable
CALCULATIONS WITH ATTACHMENTS Veteran’s Income: $ /mo. SS $200.00/mo. Ret. Total Income: $ /mo. Out of Pocket Med. $100.00/mo. Scripts $300.00/mo. Sup. Ins. $ /mo. Facility Total Med. Exp. $ /mo. Total Income: $ /mo. Total Med. Exp. $ /mo. (Subtract) Adjusted Income NEG $ (monthly) Adjusted Income $0.00 (Annual) A&A Pension Rate $21, (Vet w/ no dependents) Subtract Adjusted Income $0.00 Difference $21, Divided by 12(months) Benefit (Full Amount) $1,788.80/mo Example, veteran with A&A attachment in nursing care:
Standardize your Method Utilize/create a standard way for your office to: inform you veterans, dependants and community collect information and supporting documents Review provided booklets. Use you resources: Milwaukee Pension Management Center (414) The Claimants Service Organization Your fellow CVSOs
Widows Pension and Veterans Pension Forms Widows Pension ez Care Giver Affidavit Submittal Letter Supporting Documentation Veterans Pension ez Care Giver Affidavit Submittal Letter Supporting Documentation Claim Form Appointment of Org. Disclosure Doctor Form Care Facility Form Care Giver Form To Appointed Org. Marriage Cert./DD 214 Death Cert./Med Exp Income & Net Worth
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