IN THE REPUBLIC Two consuls, elected annually, held equal power Dictator for 6 months in times of emergency Senate 300 members Great power Assemblies Had legislative power IN THE EMPIRE Emperor Inherited power Served for life Was worshipped as a god Senate Issued decrees Had little power 600 members
During Pax Romana: “Roman Peace” 200 years, from Augustus to Marcus Aurelius Peace, order, unity, and prosperity From Euphrates River to Britain (roughly the size of the continental USA) Literature Virgil: patriotic stories of heroism Historian Livy “…in history you have a record of the infinite variety of human experience plainly set out for all to see; and in that record you can find for yourself and your country both examples and warnings: fine things to take as models, and base things, rotten through and through, to avoid.
Realism Character Mosaic (picture made from colored glass chips)
Concrete Columns Arches Dome ceiling
Application of science and math to develop structures Aqueducts (water in the cities! Public baths) Roads, bridges, etc.
Codified Law: one system for all Romans Innocent until proven guilty Guilt had to be “clearer than daylight” Accused could face accuser and defend self Judges interpreted laws Judges were expected to make fair decisions
Roman Republic Recipe Card ON PAGE 29 What were the key ingredients that made up the Roman Republic and/or Empire? REQUIRMENTS: 1.Give recipe a title 2.You must have “ingredients” from parts I through V. Note: Each “ingredient” must have an amount, an adjective (or adjectives), and the name of the ingredient. For example: 3 Legions of loyal, brave Roman citizen soldiers. 2. After the list of ingredients, describe how those ingredients should be put together and cooked. Note: What order? How should they all be “cooked?” Do you add some later than the others? Is it a two-part recipe (like dough, filling, and icing, or veggies and sauce?) How do you know when the recipe is done? Do any ingredients get special treatment? What ACTIONS need to be done to the ingredients as they are added?
Jews living in Palestine (the promised land) were under the control of the Romans
Based on the life, teachings, death and resurrection of a first century Jew known as Jesus, believed to be the Christ (messiah, savior) by his followers (thus called “Christians”)
Born, bred, lived, and died a Jew in first century Roman occupied Palestine Around age 30, took on a mission of preaching, teaching, and healing as an itinerant teacher Had a following of 12 primary disciples and countless multitudes attracted by his miracles and words of wisdom A political threat to Roman and Jewish authorities, was put to death through torturous crucifixion (a Roman punishment)
A story telling teacher who taught through parables about the Kingdom of God (“the Kingdom of God is like…”) A miracle worker and faith healer (“your faith has made you whole”) A religious and social reformer (love and the spirit of the law, over the letter of the law) Preaching forgiveness of sin over punishment for sin Inspirational words of wisdom: The “Sermon on the Mount” The “Greatest commandment”: Love God and love others as you love yourself The “Golden Rule”: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you The “Lord’s Prayer” (“Our Father who art in heaven…”)
Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible) New Testament (written after Jesus’ death, by his followers, during the first century; not canonized until the 4 th century)
Messiah: Jews believed a messiah, or savior would liberate them from the Roman Empire Christians believe Jesus was the “Christ” or messiah and son of God Salvation: being protected or delivered from punishment or sinning Jesus died to give all people salvation Jesus from the dead (resurrection) “on the third day” – overcoming death so that people could have “eternal life” Ascended into heaven, residing with God “the father” to intervene on our behalf Will come again at the “end of days” to judge the living and the dead
Peter was the first pope of the Christian church and spread the religion through Rome Christians were disloyal to Rome and were martyrs (people who suffer or die for their beliefs) Constantine gave freedom of worship to Romans in 313 Theodosius I made Christianity the official religion of Rome in the 4th century
A faith and life based on the person and/or teachings of Jesus as savior, model, or inspiration Use of the New Testament to inform faith and practice