SOLEIL OPERATION AND ON-GOING PROJECTS C. Herbeaux On behalf of SOLEIL Groups C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI1
Performance of SOLEIL operation in 2015 Main events in 2015 Fire Failure of the in-vacuum wiggler Femto-slicing : first photons on CRISTAL beamline Operation with two canted in-vacuum undulators On-going projects C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI2 Contents
C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI3 3 weeks without beam due to major incident on utilities 4972 h for beamlines 1236 h for accelerators 5 shutdowns Beam Schedule for 2015
Major Incident in May 2015 C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI4 Fire occurred in an electric rack of the technical building T3 for the utilities One capacitance exploded and burned Fire lead to damage of the equipment located in the same room 3 weeks have been necessary for : Cleaning Decontamination Repair of all the equipment Waiting for Green light from our Insurance Company - No cooling system available - No compressed air - Compressors for helium had to be stopped
C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI6 Beam availability in up to run 4 Beam availability after rescheduling Beam availability considering initial schedule
Evolution of the MTBF C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI7 MTBF is still increasing
C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI9 2 Interlocks caused beam losses Too high temperature on upstream tapered transition of the in-vacuum wiggler WSV50 Looking at the dependence of temperature and pressure vs filling mode, gap, current Impedance related behavior Failure of the in-vacuum wiggler WSV50 of the PSICHE beamline I=90mA 8 bunches I=90mA multibunch
Failure on the upstream movable transition C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI10 Defect appears when closing the gap Failure may be due to fatigue phenomena Still being investigated Design improvement may be necessary
Femto-Slicing : Photons on CRISTAL beamline C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI11 Sliced beam can be used by several beamlines simultaneously
Terahertz : signature of the laser/e- beam interaction C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI12
Oct. 2015: Femto Slice photons on CRISTAL Images of the beam on the XPAD detector Flux ~ ph/s Distance ~ 0.78 mm ~ 75 eV Energy shift ~ 75 eV Predicted energy shift at 19 MeV ~ 80 eV Core Beam E=7.120 keV Slice Beam E=7.170 keV Centered Diaphragm Shifted Diaphragm Core and slice beam Spectra Predicted flux ~ ph/s factor 30 as expected
Upgrade of the Injection straight section of the Storage Ring Improvement of the injection for the top-up operation New In-vacuum eddy current magnet for injection –Inner vacuum chamber for stored beam made of copper lower power load –Improvement of the magnetic shielding of the inner vacuum chamber. New vacuum chamber for direct-drive septum magnet –The vacuum chamber part of the transfer line is electrically insulated from the storage ring vacuum chamber. No more eddy current propagating in the vacuum chamber of the stored beam. C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI 14
Last summer shutdown: upgrade of the injection straight section Preparation of the Kicker magnet for bake-out of SDL1. Removing of the old Eddy current septum. Big stuff!
Results : Efficiency of the new septum magnet on the stored beam Comparison of the perturbations on the stored beam between old and new magnet configuration. Comparaison septum passif Direct drive septum horizontally Direct drive septum vertically Eddy current in-vacuum septum horizontally
Operation with two canted undulators in a straight section C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI17 Liner of the downstream U20 ID was damaged by radiation emitted in the upstream ID
C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI18 1st step (June 2015) Upstream ID gap 8mm Downstream ID gap 5.5mm Implementation of a beam interlock based on measurement of e - beam position and angle in the upstream undulator 2nd step (January 2016) Upstream ID gap 5.5mm Downstream ID gap 5.5mm A photon absorber located in between the two ID’s protects the downstream one against radiation from the other
New absorber for downstream undulator protection in SDL13 C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI19 Installation planed in January 2016 Electron beam Photon beam 11 mm separation between the 2 beams Effect on beam lifetime and impedance is acceptable
On going Projects RF –Solid State Amplifiers : a 50 kW-500 MHz amplifier has been built for the ThomX project a 80 kW-500 MHz amplifier is being built for SESAME –Change of one input coupler on RF cavities (January 2016) C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI kW-500 MHz amplifier for the ThomX project
On going Projects Insertion devices –WSV50 aperiodic (MaxIV/SOLEIL collaboration) –U15 3m long Cryo-ready in vacuum undulator (MaxIV/SOLEIL collaboration) –U18 Cryogenic in-vacuum undulator for ANATOMIX beamline (project delayed because of flood from the roof of the clean room where the ID was assembled C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI 21 Injection pulsed magnet : Design and fabrication of a MIK (multipole Injection Kicker) (MaxIV/SOLEIL collaboration) Vacuum chamber made of sapphire (2 half chambers bonded by diffusion) Electrodes glued with epoxy (low cure temperature (<190°C)
On going Projects COXINEL Most of the equipment are now available. Installation will start in the next weeks. First test in 2016 Femto-slicing Installation of the Tempo chicane. A second beamline will be able to operate with the sliced beam Upgrade of the laser increasing the frequency the the photons flux. C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI 22
Conclusions A very impacting event during 2015 but a good availability of beam Commissioning of the Femto-Slicing is still going on towards a user operation in 2016 Operation with 2 canted in-vacuum undulators will allow the two beamlines to operate in nominal conditions C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI 23
C. Herbeaux, November ESLS23, 24-25, 2015, PSI24 Beam Schedule for h for beamlines 1252 h for accelerators 5 shutdowns