COAL ASH 101 with Elizabeth Scrafford
What’s the deal with Coal Ash Agenda Agenda ●Coal Ash is a byproduct of burning coal and contains high levels of heavy metals: Arsenic, boron, selenium, chromium, and total dissolved solids. ●Stored in ash pits, it leaches into our waterways and threatens public health. ●People who drink contaminated water have a 1 in 50 chance of getting cancer. ●Living near ash ponds increases health problems.
Coal Plant Schematic Agenda Agenda
Coal Ash Agenda Agenda
Eden, North Carolina
Kingston, Tennessee
Vermillion, Illinois
New Coal Ash Regulations Agenda Agenda ●Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) federal rule -- November ●Effluent Guidelines (ELG) under the EPA’s Clean Water Act -- September 2015.
CCR Rule Agenda Agenda ●3 year timeline ●Requires ground water monitoring ●Site specific coal ash pond monitoring available to the public via website ●Requires all ponds to be lined or for unlined ponds to close ●Better safeguards for future coal ash ponds
ELG Rule Agenda Agenda ●Updates 30 year old rule ●Reduces toxic metals, nutrients & pollutants discharged by power plants into waterways ●Requires Coal-fired power plant over 50MW to switch to dry ash handling
What You Can Do Agenda Agenda Monitor CCR Rule Compliance Data and Information Websites