Understanding Text Complexity. Session Goals Understand Emphasis on Text Complexity in the CCSS Define Text Complexity Look at the Implications of Text.


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Presentation transcript:

Understanding Text Complexity

Session Goals Understand Emphasis on Text Complexity in the CCSS Define Text Complexity Look at the Implications of Text Complexity on Teaching and Learning

Why Text Complexity Matters ACT Reading Between the Lines, 2006

Change in text complexity in textbooks over the last century Source: Metametrics

Today’s text gap Source: Metametrics

Text Lexile ® levels today and with Common Core Rigor Increased 2 Grade Levels Text Complexity Grade Band in the Standards Old Lexile Ranges Lexile Ranges Aligned to CCR Expectations K-1N/A

Percentage distribution of literary and informational passages – Non Fiction is Key Source: National Assessment Governing Board. Reading Framework for the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress. Washington, D.C.: American Institutes for Research, 2007.

Dr. Timothy Shanahan The Common Core State Standards Emphasis on Complex Text

What are some of the challenges you will face in having students engaged in the use of more complex text?

What is Text Complexity? 10 Word Frequency Word Length Sentence Length Text Length Text Cohesion Purpose of Text Conventions Language Clarity Level of Meaning Background Nature of Text Content

Dr. Timothy Shanahan The Common Core State Standards Complex Text and Its Implication in the Classroom

What strategies do you or your teachers currently use that support students using more complex or difficult text?

What do Educators Need to Do? Engage in Close Reading Have students become Text Dependent at a deeper level. Provide and scaffold Complex Text to all students Fully Implement a Plan