Jobs in Hospital/ Health Care Facility Service
Job Description Operate support departments of the Health Care Facilities Includes administration, business office, admitting office, central/ sterile supply, and housekeeping Each department has workers at all levels with varying amounts of education
Places of Employment Hospitals Clinics LTC’s HMO’s Public Health Government Agencies
Health Care Administrators/ CEO’s Need a Minimum of a Bachelors Degree, most require a Master’s Degree with above average growth. Average Annual Salary in NC is $91,000/ yr. They do not work for a hourly wage. They manage operation of the facility – plan, direct, co-ordinate, and supervise delivery of the health care, Ultimately responsible for the hiring of all personnel
Determine budget and finance Supervise department heads Assist with establish policies and procedures Perform public relations duties Coordinate all activities in the facility
Admitting Officers/ Clerks Usually need an Associates degree in business, some may require a Bachelors degree. Average job growth noted. Work in the admission department of facility Obtain all important information when patient admitted Give room assignments Maintain records Process information when patient discharged
Central/ Sterile Supply workers On the job training or HOE program Average growth, generally start about $9.00/ hr Order, maintain, and supply ALL equipment and supplies for facility Sterilize instruments and supplies Maintain equipment Inventory materials Fill requisitions from departments
New Sterile Services Department.wmv - YouTube
Environmental Service Workers Housekeeping On the job training and/ or vocational program Average growth; starting pay about $9.00/ hour Maintain cleanliness of facility Provide pleasant, sanitary environment Observe principles of infection control to prevent the spread of disease
Community Hospital North - Environmental Services - YouTube
YOUR JOB: You will be a hospital administrator. Watch the following episode of Untold stories of the ER and the assignment will be completed tomorrow based on the show. You will be a hospital administrator. Watch the following episode of Untold stories of the ER and the assignment will be completed tomorrow based on the show. Untold Stories of the E.R.: Season 7, Episode 1 "Frat Boy Blues": Amazon Instant Video Untold Stories of the E.R.: Season 7, Episode 1 "Frat Boy Blues": Amazon Instant Video