-- Qing Tan Middle School Yang Jie Yang Jie
The NBA is a league with 30 teams highest level of basketball be the champion (winner) National Basketball Association Houston Rockets, Atlanta Hawks... 团体 win the championship 大奖赛
slam dunk 灌篮
The shortest player in the NBA
Title : The shortest player in the NBA Who? What? Why? Which? When ? Prediction ? ? ? ? ? ?
Tell me how the writer lays out the article. (A)(B) (C)(D) ① - ⑥ = paragraph 1-6
Personal information (who?when?where?) Experiences(What?How?) Reasons(Why?) Part 1 (para.1) Part 2 (para.2-5) Part 3 (para.6) Skimming: Skimming: Read the first sentence of each paragraph Spud Webb was born in Texas, the USA, in While attending junior high... In senior high... No university would invite him... Although he was a great player at university... After he graduated... Through hard work, Spud Webb proved that...
Introduction Main Body Conclusion para.1 a. Spud was named Player of the Year. b. Spud got a scholarship from a university. c. Spud scored 20 points in his first game. d. Spud became an NBA player in e. Spud had a big dream f. Spud proved that size and body type doesn’t matter para.2 para.3 para.4 para.5 para.6 Main idea of the article ?
a small boy in 1985 joined the NBA ? ? ? Read para.2-4 find out the three periods junior high senior high college university school time after leaving school after graduation dreamed of playing in the NBA Read part 1 (para.1) What's Spud Webb's dream? Read para.5 Did he realize his dream?
a small boy junior high school time graduation scored 20 points had a big dream Player of the Year joined the NBA got a scholarship had a big dream scored 20 points got a scholarship was named Player of the Year joined the NBA won the Slam Dunk Contest senior high college university in 1985 in 1986 won the Slam Dunk ContestThink What does this picture look like? Can he achieve success in only one day?
periodsdifficultiesactions junior high He didn't lose heart senior high college university after graduation The NBA was not interested in him. He had to sit in the stands. He practised harder and got the coach to change his mind No university invited him to play basketball. Read para. 2-5 I am short... He was refused at first. He was forced to play in another basketball league for one year. He led his team to the national championship
Think: Think: Why could he achieve success at last? difficulties success hard work never give up Read part 3 ( para.6 ) Read part 3 ( para.6 )
Pay attention to what the sports announcers said about Spud Webb during the match. sports reporters
Play as two sports announcers
Sports announcers A:Look! Spud Webb is ready to dunk! He looks so confident! Do you think he can get the champion today? B: ________________________________. A:Wow, Spud dunked perfectly! He did a great job today! When did he join the NBA? B: _____________. He is so short! It's unbelievable! How could he do it? A:__________________________________________. B:What a great man! I heard he had great success in school! A:Yeah. He ___________________(Tip:two achievements). B:My god! The audience are all cheering for him! So surprised! A:Wow! Amazing! He is the ___________! B:I think it is his _________moment in his basketball career. A:Of course. He must be the best player of this year!
What makes a person successful? Further thinking Persist- ence ( 坚持) talents ( 天赋) inte- rest ( 兴趣 ) hard work ( 努力) strong will (强烈的 意愿) …
My suggestions:
Who will be the best player of this year?
Recommendation letter Dear leaders, We are writing to recommend Spud as the best player of this year. Spud Webb is... because... (at least two examples) I hope you think our advice is worth taking. Yours sincerely...
Homework: Write a recommendation letter for Spud Webb