Returning Students Linda Morales Ashley Regalo
General Rules Returning students o only accepted during Fall semester (can check csumentor for Spring updates) o re-apply thru CSU Mentor (Oct 1 – Feb 1) o It is highly recommended for students to have their “Golden 4” completed before they return o do not need to earn 60 units at a community college to return o do not need to earn AS(T)/AA(T) at a community college to return o need to have their remediation (Math/English) completed
Disqualified vs Good Standing Students who left Fresno State as academically disqualified will apply for readmission thru csumentor (accepted for Fall only) Readmission Petition and Letter must be submitted o Admissions & Records will send this notification after application is received o All disqualified students are reviewed by the Readmission Committee to determine acceptance/denial Highly recommended for students to meet with the University Advising Center if they are looking to return to Fresno State after being academically disqualified
Remediation/Stop Out Semester Fresno State students are required to meet Math & English remediation in their first year If not met, they can “stop out” for 1 semester, complete the coursework at a community college & return upon proof of passing Students must be eligible for registration in order to use “stop out” option