Expectations Volunteer Hours: Fellows are expected to volunteer one hour per week at SGS. If sick or unable to volunteer, fellow will make up hours the following week Special Events: Fellows are expected to participate in one special event per semester. They may participate by attending the event or helping to set up or plan the event. SGS-MH Speaker Series: Fellows are expected to attend the guest speaker lecture that occurs once a semester. Fellows are expected to maintain a good relationship with SGS students, parents, and faculty.
Events Orientation: This event is for new and returning fellows to learn about how to interact with their fellows and understand the expectations of the program Match Day: New fellows are introduced to their assigned student at SGS. All SGS families and Murray House fellows are invited to this gathering. Speaker Series: SGS hosts a guest speaker in the Fall and Spring to discuss topics in education. Halloween Pumpkin Parade*: SGS students dress up and trick-or-treat around the commons. They visits Murray House for games and activities. Holidays Around the World*: SGS hosts a holiday event to share international customs and traditions. Fellows volunteer to make this event successful. Spring Play Day*: SGS students play with Murray House fellows on campus to celebrate Spring and the end of the school year. SGS Fundraisers and Benefits*: Fellows help SGS with an annual fundraiser and volunteer at benefits that SGS hosts. * Denotes a “special event”
Calendar Academic School YearEvents AugustEvaluate Returning Fellows Recruitment SeptemberApplication Process Orientation Match Day OctoberPumpkin Parade Volunteer Log Check NovemberFirst Speaker Series DecemberHolidays Around the World Volunteer Log Check JanuaryFundraiser for SGS Second Speaker Series FebruaryVolunteer Log Check Grandparents’ Tea MarchExecutive Turnover AprilExecutive Training Play Day
Executive Positions President The President shall preside over all executive officer and general body meetings. The President will check in with officers to ensure that all delegated tasks are being done in an efficient and effective manner. The President will assist Advisor, Susan Gray administration, and Mentoring Coordinator with matching. The President will meet frequently with advisor to discuss organizational progress. Vice-President The Vice-President shall take over the role of President in the absence of the President. The Vice-President shall lead fundraiser endeavors for Susan Gray School. The Vice- President will meet frequently with the president and advisor to discuss organizational progress. Secretary The secretary will provide executive officers with monthly member attendance updates (advisor or president will get spreadsheets from SGS and give to secretary). The secretary is responsible for taking notes during meeting and alerting members of logistical changes at SGS. Social Chair(s) The Social Chairs are responsible for planning the Pumpkin Parade and Play Day. They also help to organize the Speaker Series and Holidays Around the world. The Social Chairs communicate any additional events at SGS with the fellowship members and are responsible for organizing and keeping track of volunteers during the events. Public Relations Chair The Public Relations chair will maintain the organization’s multimedia, specifically the facebook group. The Public Relations chair will be responsible for having photographic documentation of all events and will make scrapbooks. The public relations chair will manage all publicity for events. Mentoring Coordinator The mentoring coordinator will facilitate activities to ensure that members know the proper ways of interacting with Little Fellows. The mentoring coordinator will help to foster a sense of community within the entire organization, and pair up fellows in mentor/mentee pairs as necessary. Members at Large Members at large are assigned if necessary under the discretion of the outgoing executive board and advisor. The role of a member at large can be to help with any executive position or fulfill a new responsibility that is added to the program. Advisor The advisor is the primary contact person for Susan Gray School. The advisor will work closely with executive officers to set yearly vision and goals for the organization. The advisor will meet regularly with members and executive officers. If a member is not fulfilling requirements, the advisor may dismiss said person from organization. The advisor will work with SGS administration to match Fellows.
What if…. Fellows do not complete volunteer hours: After each volunteer log check, fellows are ed a report of their progress. If hours are low, they are individually reminded of the commitment of the program and the reserved right to reassign students. If absence continues, fellows may lose their vote in elections and eligibility to have an executive board position. Fellows go abroad or are student teaching: A list is shared of the SGS students who have abroad fellows. Our fellows are encouraged to play with all of the students at SGS and pay extra attention to those who do not have active fellows. When the fellow returns the following semester, they continue the fellowship with the same student. Student teachers are still invited to speaker series and other after school events. SGS students transfer: The executive board does their best to reassign a fellow with another SGS student.