DAVID MCGHEE Chief Executive Officer, ACHD
KEN COHEN Executive Director, ACHD
PAM MARCUM Director of Claims, ALPHA Fund
JEREMY MERZ Policy Advocate, California Chamber of Commerce
JASON SCHMELZER Legislative Advocate, Shaw/Yoder/Antwih on behalf of the California Coalition on Workers’ Compensation
JIM ROXBURGH Director, Dignity Health Telemedicine Network
RANDY SMART, MD Physician and District Trustee, Mark Twain Healthcare District
KEN COHEN Executive Director, ACHD
Setting the Stage STATE BUDGET
CHANGING CAPITOL DYNAMICS 38 new legislators with 12-year terms New leadership in Senate and Assembly Priorities differ
revenue surge will increase the minimum funding guarantee for K-14 schools under Proposition 98 Results in: Higher Proposition 98 guarantee in and beyond Increased Proposition 2 requirements Potential for additional funding to repay pre-2004 local government mandate claims But it may make it harder to balance the budget MORE MONEY, MORE PROBLEMS
Governor Brown’s view of health policy and budget issues Medi-Cal rates Medicaid Section 1115 Waiver Continued implementation of Affordable Care Act MAJOR HEALTH ISSUES IN 2015
What is a Medicaid waiver? Delivery system transformation Opportunities for Districts MEDI-CAL 2020 WAIVER RENEWAL
Public Health Tobacco Vaccines Children’s Issues California Children’s Services Denti-Cal Senior Issues Cal MediConnect – Duals pilot (Medicare/Medi-Cal) Behavioral health Managed care 1915(b) Medicaid waiver & 1115 Medicaid Waiver OTHER HEALTH CONVERSATIONS
AMBER KING Senior Legislative Advocate, ACHD
Access to Care Action: Support legislation expanding loan assumption programs for providers who agree to practice and work in underserved communities, increasing access to and funding for telehealth services, and allowing Healthcare Districts to directly employ physicians. Community Health Action: Support legislation that supports preventative care, school health and nutrition, elder and/or adult day care, or disease management. ACHD 2015 GUIDING PRINCIPLES
Protect MICRA Action: Continue to work with the coalition, Californians Allied for Patient Protection to protect current provisions of MICRA. Reimbursement Action: Support legislation and regulations that improve Healthcare District finances. Special Districts Action: Oppose legislation that erodes the autonomy of Healthcare Districts and support legislation that preserves/advances the autonomy of Healthcare Districts. ACHD 2015 GUIDING PRINCIPLES
Workers Compensation Action: Oppose legislation that increases rates. Monitor the regulatory process as the 2012 Workers’ Compensation reform is implemented. Workforce Action: Support legislation expanding workforce training programs for health care worker shortages, programs geared toward increasing health care workforce in rural areas, loan assumption programs, and streamlining licensing requirements for returning veterans who specialize in health care professions. ACHD 2015 GUIDING PRINCIPLES
AB 1124 (Perea) Directs the Division of Worker’s Compensation to create a formulary for prescribing prescription medications. Decrease prescription costs in the workers' comp system. AB 305 (Gonzales) Changes the current apportionment determination process for workers’ compensation claims. Will create an unbalanced system for specific prior injuries. Will increase the cost for workers’ compensation claims. HIGH PRIORITY LEGISLATION
Resolution Designating May as Healthcare District Month Clean up Legislation for District Hospital Emergency Departments ACHD SPONSORED BILLS
BOBBI PALMER Chief Executive Officer, Los Medanos Community Healthcare District
OLIVIA KASIRYE, MD Public Health Officer, County of Sacramento
JOE PARRA Health and Human Services Policy Consultant, Senate Republican Caucus
LISA SANTORA, MD Chief Medical Officer, Beach Cities Health District