How To Select a Third Party Administrator CapabilitiesCost Service Model Jerry L. Ripperger, Director – Business Development Registered Representative, Princor Financial Services Corporation
How To Select a Third Party Administrator Capabilities
Consulting Behaviors Benefit Structures Budgets
Benefit Design
Continuum of Care
Integration Data Integration –Medical claims –Pharmacy claims –Wellness assessment data –Biometric data Program integration –Proactive referrals –Bi weekly “grand rounds” Process integration –Care management and claims management –Health summary record
Incentive Plan Personal Improvement Population Improvement Outcomes Reporting Participation Tracking Communications Plan INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITIES Preventive Screening Health Coaching Wellness Assessment Seminars Challenges Campaigns Wellness Committees Local Events ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES Wellness Strategy Wellness Programs
Communication and Education
Consumer Driven Healthcare Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) High Deductible Health Plans (HDHP) Health Savings Accounts (HSA) Health Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)
Comprehensive Reporting Access –On-line 24x7 –In print Breadth of reporting –Financial –Clinical Depth of reporting (drill down capabilities) Ad hoc capabilities Reporting Analyzing Consulting
Stop Loss Preferred carrier relationships –Benefit and provisional match –No audit guarantees (“pay as we pay”) –Expedited reimbursement –No laser guarantees Breadth of options –Paid In/Incurred In Run in Run out –Terminal liability options
How To Select a Third Party Administrator Capabilities Service Model
Implementation approach Employer service team –Account management –Dedicated/Named –Local/Remote Participant service team –Claims –Benefit questions
Service Model Hours of operations On line capabilities Interactive voice response capabilities Tenure of staff Results –Turnaround time –Financial accuracy –Procedural accuracy
How To Select a Third Party Administrator Capabilities Service Model Cost
Claims costs –Provider networks –Pharmacy benefit management Administrative costs –Third party administration –Stop loss
retail Provider Networks Preferred provider organizations (PPO) –National –Quilted Wrap networks Supplemental networks Fee negotiation services
Pharmacy Benefit Management Brand and generic discounts –Retail –Mail order Convenience/locations Formulary Rebates Administration (fees, claims, and reporting)
Third Party Administration –TPA generate revenue from several sources –Most fees will be on a Per Employee Per Month (PEPM) –Other explicit fees may be stated as Percent of savings Per hour Cost plus –Other fees are implicit Administrative fees from vendors (such as disease management) Pharmacy revenue –Rebate capture –Discount Capture Should be fully disclosed to the client
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